04 ― marty mcfly's got moxie.

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❝ next time, it'll be my fist punching your face

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next time, it'll be my fist punching your face.


Honestly, it was starting to feel more like years. Demetri only seemed to get more and more irritated by Decha's presence as time went on, but Decha refused to give up. He would never admit it, but Decha thought there was just something special about Demetri that kept pulling him in. He just wanted to be around him and hear his voice even if he was annoyed by him. Decha couldn't seem to get Demetri out of his head no matter what he did.

The more Demetri played hard to get; the more determined Decha became. Decha wanted to push his buttons. He liked seeing Demetri get flustered. He liked to see the blood rush to his cheeks every time he said something flirtatious. He liked it when Demetri tried to hide the fact that he was blushing. Most of all, he liked it when Demetri insulted him.

The name calling, the number of times he told him to go away, and all the times Demetri told him he was an annoying. It all just made Decha want to stick around him even more.

"Do you think I'm crazy?" Decha asked out of nowhere as he sat at the lunch table with Achara and Aisha. "Wait, don't answer that."

"Yes," Achara and Aisha's voices spoke in unison.

The two girls laughed at the annoyed expression on his face.

"Why do you want to know if you're crazy?" Aisha questioned. "I mean, you obviously are, but why?"

Achara finished chewing the food that was in her mouth. "Does this have anything to do with Demetri?"

"You're still trying with him?" Aisha was surprised. "It's been weeks."

"He can't help it. He has a massive crush on him. He's like the Grinch," Achara joked. "Demetri has made his cold, small heart grow." Aisha laughed.

"You think you're hilarious, don't you?" Decha asked, unamused. "Just because I'm showing slightly more interest in someone than I usually do does not mean I have a crush on him."

Aisha gave him a confused look. "Isn't that exactly what a crush is?"

"Yes," Achara replied. "No," Decha replied simultaneously.

"Whatever," Decha rolled his eyes. "Shouldn't you be obsessing over Miguel or something?"

Aisha turned to face her, eyes wide. "You like someone? Wait, isn't Miguel that new kid?"

"I don't like him," Achara denied. "I sit next to him in biology, I'm kind of obligated to talk to him just like he's obligated to talk to me."

"Please, you've been staring at him like he hung the moon for the past three weeks," Decha said. "You can deny that you don't like him all you want."

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