51 ― keep your enemies closer.

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 ❝ do you even hear yourself right now? ❞

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do you even hear yourself right now?


She glanced around the room, seeing all eyes on her. Her chest tightened when Silver and Kreese asked her to come into the office. Achara set her bag down and slipped her shoes off before making her way into the office. She stood in the doorway and bowed before Silver held his hand out, motioning to the chair.

Achara held her head up high as she took a seat, her hands resting in her lap.

"We've heard rumors that you attended prom with the Diaz kid," Silver began, his eyes staring down at her.

Achara nodded her head. "I did. I'm guessing someone told you? I was hoping to tell you myself, but it looks like someone beat me to the punch."

Silver and Kreese exchanged a look with each other before glancing back at her.

"And what exactly is it that you were hoping to tell us yourself?" Kreese asked.

Achara sat up in her seat, leaning forward. "I assume you're familiar with the saying keep your friends close, but your enemies closer? I figured out that I'm Miguel's weakness and what better way to exploit that than to go to prom with him and make him think he stands a chance with me?"

Silver smirked and chuckled out a laugh. "Clever girl, aren't you?"

Achara shrugged. "I certainly try to be."

"And no one had any no idea?" Kreese asked her.

"I couldn't exactly tell anyone about this, now could I?" Achara answered. "There's no telling who might have overheard or who would have ratted me out."

"And the LaRusso girl?" Kreese questioned. "From what we heard, there was a fight..."

"And you heard that I defended her?" Achara finished for him, followed by a soft chuckle. "Same thing applies to her as it does Miguel. It was all to get into her head and make her think we're on the same side when it reality, I'm planning to mop the floor with her at the tournament. Why have her hate me when I can trick her into trusting me?"

Achara hoped she didn't look as nervous as she felt inside. Her posture may have been straight and her voice free from any wavering confidence, but she felt like she was screaming on the inside. Her heart was racing, and she felt like they could see right through her.

"Isn't that what I was supposed to do?" Achara asked. "Take any measures necessary to win the tournament?"

Silver stared down at her, a pleased smile on his face. He turned to look at Kreese. Achara turned her head, seeing him look just as equally impressed, if not more shocked.

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