59 ― a time and a place.

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❝ neither of you is perfect

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neither of you is perfect.


He sat next to Achara at the dining room table as their parents sat across from them. When they arrived home from the water park, Decha told them that he had something important that he needed to discuss with them. Achara had to give him words of encouragement to get him to actually walk up to them.

They gathered in the dining room, and now, Decha stared down at the table. His right leg bounced up and down, causing the rest of his body to shake. He looked up, his eyes instantly darting back down to the table when he saw the expressions on his parents' faces.

Achara placed her hand on his shoulder, causing him to turn his head to her. Achara nodded her head, looking at him with a soft and comforting smile.

Decha gulped as he directed his turned his attention to his parents, looking back and forth between them. "Um, so I—I, um, I started..." Decha glanced down, "I started drinking again. I wasn't for the longest time and it just...it started to get; I don't know...bad?"

Decha looked up, his eyes shifting back and forth between his parents, trying to read the expressions on their faces. Jintara looked disappointed, it wasn't that hard to tell, but there was a softness to her face, letting him know that she wasn't angry. Kiet had always been unreadable. His stoicism always seemed to triumph above all other emotions. Getting nothing from his expression, Decha resulted to examining his body language. He watched him fold his arms against his chest and lean back in his chair, his eyes never once leaving Decha.

Decha inhaled a breath before slowly exhaling. "I know that you're both aware that I used to come home from a party almost every night drunk. And I know that I was part of the reason why you guys were so hard on me. It just...it just hurt seeing you treat Achara like a perfect angel. So the more you praised her and showed affection to her and not me..."

Decha glanced at Achara. Her eyes were starting to well up with tears. She nodded at him reassuringly.

Decha turned back to his parents, his own eyes starting to fill with tears. "The more you praised Achara for being such an angel, the more I rebelled because it was the only way I could get attention from either of you. The drinking, the smoking, the partying...it was all just part of that, and I didn't realize how dependent I was on alcohol until..."

Decha felt tears starting to stream down his face. "Until Demetri broke up with me. I just kept drinking and then lying to him about it—lying to everyone about it."

Decha sniffled as he looked at his mother. Her eyes were glossy as if she were about to cry.

"And I was hungover at the All Valley," Decha admitted. "I couldn't sleep that night and I thought it would take the edge off, but it didn't. And then I was drunk at our celebration party for Eli and Demetri broke up with me."

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