55 ― humans make mistakes.

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❝ you're human and humans make mistakes

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you're human and humans make mistakes.


The family of four were gathered around the living room as Jintara shared stories about the twins from when they were little. It was a brand new experience for them all—laughing together. In that moment, after being given the cold shoulder for so long, Achara didn't think there was any sound that was more melodic. The sound of their father's laugh was something that the twins hadn't heard since they were merely toddlers. That in itself was more important than any karate tournament or trophy.

The conversation moved onto how proud Jintara and Kiet both were of their children. There truly wasn't a greater feeling in the world. For Decha, he had spent so long pretending that he didn't care about validation from his parents. He was beyond grateful that he had it. For Achara, knowing that she was able to make her parents feel proud of her once again gave her hope that it was all going to be okay.

Things were finally starting to look up for both of the twins and that was all they had ever wanted.

The sound of the phone ringing caused the conversation to come to a halt. Confusion spread across all of their faces as Jintara's phone buzzed on the table. The name Carmen Diaz appeared on the screen.

Achara and Decha shared a look of confusion with each other as their mother answered the phone.

"Carmen? Everything okay?" Jintara asked.

The laughter that had once filled the room was now silent as Jintara held the phone up to her ear, listening to Carmen speak.

"Alai na?" Jintara spoke into the phone before she looked directly at Achara. "Miguel is where? Mexico?"

Achara's and Decha's eyes widened, mirroring looks of shock on their faces as they spoke at the same time, "Wait...what?"

Jintara told Carmen that was putting her on speaker, speaker, allowing the entire family to hear what she was saying. As Carmen spoke, they could hear the panic that was present in her voice.

"In the note he left he said that he was going to search for his dad but he's....not exactly a good man," Carmen told them.

They weren't sure what she meant by that, but they didn't press her for information.

"Achara, Decha, did he say anything to either of you?" Carmen asked, sounding as though she were on the verge of tears.

"No, ma'am," Decha told her. "He didn't tell me anything. I haven't talked to him since right before the quarterfinals started."

"He didn't say anything to me either," Achara responded. "The last time I spoke to him was right before the finals, but he didn't say anything about leaving."

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