38 ― rage becomes her.

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❝ i don't even recognize you anymore, achara

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i don't even recognize you anymore, achara.


His arm was wrapped up in a splint and a sling tied around his neck and shoulder. Demetri sat next to him, holding his hand. They were silent, neither of them saying a word as they waited for Decha's mother to arrive. He hadn't wanted her to be called, but the hospital insisted.

Decha leaned his head back, staring up at the ceiling. Demetri gave his hand a light squeeze, causing Decha to turn to look at him. Decha sighed, his bottom lip starting to quiver. He felt his eyes starting to water. He turned away and closed his eyes, blinking out tears.

"Hey, look at me," Demetri squeezed his hand again. "Dech, look at me." Decha turned. "It's okay to cry. You don't need to shy away from crying. It's not true what they say...that boys don't cry. You can cry. It's okay."

Decha couldn't stop the tears from streaming down his face. He sniffled as snot filled his nose. Demetri let go of his hand and carefully embraced him in a hug, making sure to be careful of his arm. Decha hid his face in Demetri's shoulder. His breath became staggered, followed by the occasional sniffle. Demetri just continued to hug him, rubbing circles into his back.


Demetri pulled back, noticing Decha's mother standing behind them. Decha turned to look at her, the tears continuing to flow down like waterfalls as she held her arms out. Decha stood up, walking over to her and letting her wrap her arms around him.

Decha couldn't remember the last time he had gotten a hug from his mother. It had been so long that he had forgotten what it was like. He'd always been the problem child, the family disappointment. He didn't receive affection from his parents. For years, he sat back and watched as Achara received the affection and was held when she cried. Decha never had that.

"What happened, baby?" Jintara asked her son.

Decha was bawling too hard to be able to breathe, let alone tell her what happened.

"Shhh, tuk yang ja mai pen rai," Jintara told him.

Decha shook his head. "Mai."

Jintara felt a tear stream down her face. "Let's go home." She let go of him, turning her attention to Demetri. "Do you need a ride home?"

Demetri nodded as he stood up. "Yes, m'am."

"Come on then," Jintara told him. "Your parents know you are here?"

AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now