22 ― unhappy birthday.

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❝ what an idiot i was

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what an idiot i was.


It was their birthday, and they weren't speaking to each other. Whenever they fought, they usually made up the next day, but it had been a week since their fight, and they hadn't made up yet. Achara tried her hardest to talk to Decha, but he avoided every single attempt whether it be simply walking away from her or putting in his earphones so that he couldn't hear her.

Decha was furious with her and rightly so. Achara knew she had crossed the line and she regretted it. She wished she could just go back in time and take back everything that she said.

Achara sat in her room with Tory and Aisha. Their parents had agreed to let her have a sleepover, but Achara wasn't having any fun. She laid in her bed, staring up at the ceiling as Tory painted Aisha's nails.

"Achara?" Tory called out. "Earth to Achara..."


"What's wrong?" Tory asked. "Is it the fight with Decha? Is he still not talking to you?"

Achara shook her head. "He's refusing to even look at me."

"I'm sorry," Tory said.

"Fighting is just what siblings do. I'm sure you'll make up eventually," Aisha tried to reassure her.

"It's been over a week, eight days to be exact," Achara told her. "He won't talk to me. He won't look at me. He doesn't even want to be in the same room as me."

"What was the fight even about anyway?" Tory asked. "You were pretty vague about it when you told us a few days ago."

"I accused him of going back to his old ways—the serial dating and the drinking—because Demetri rejected him," Achara explained. "And when he told me it had nothing to do with that and that it was because our dad thought he was a disgrace, I told him to stop acting like one."

"Wow, you really said that?" Aisha asked, causing Tory to lightly hit her arm.

Achara nodded. "I just wish I could take it back. We've never been in a fight this long."

"Look, I understand why he's mad. What you said was harsh," Tory responded. "But I'm sure he'll forgive you soon."

"I hope so," Achara sighed.

"Now come on, let me paint your nails," Tory said.

Achara sat up and held her hands out in front of her.


Decha sat in his room with Hawk. They were watching a movie, but Decha wasn't paying attention to it at all. He just stared at the wall next to his bed. The drawing of Demetri was no longer there, an empty space was all that remained. When he started dating Hawk, he shoved the drawing in his desk drawer.

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