50 ― a fight to remember.

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❝ that's for breaking your promises

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that's for breaking your promises.


Achara thought it was a little weird that Stingray was holding an after party for a bunch of high schoolers who just came from their junior prom. She stood in the living room, staring down at the ground as she waited for Miguel to come out of the bathroom.

She was trying her hardest to avoid looking at the Cobra Kais who were giving her questioning looks. Hence, why she was staring at the ground and wishing that it would just swallow her whole.

Achara lifted her head, seeing Piper and Kyler walking away. Achara felt relieved. A smile appeared in her face when she saw Decha enter the living room with Demetri by his side. She called out his name before making her way towards him.

"Having fun yet?" Decha asked her.

Achara shrugged. "I'm thinking about living it up a little. Party girl Achara might make a comeback. I haven't decided yet."

"Party girl Achara?" Decha asked followed by a chuckle. "I haven't seen her in a while."

Achara laughed, shaking her head at the floor before looking at her brother again. "Anyway, I didn't get the chance to tell you how much I loved your performance at prom. It was beautiful."

"I just wanted to tell you how glad I am that you're my sister and music is one of the best ways to do that," Decha responded. "Sorry if it made things worse for you in Cobra Kai."

Achara shook her head. "Don't even worry about it. It's not like it's going to matter soon anyway."

Miguel came walking into the living room, waving at Achara before he stood next to her. "Hey, amazing job tonight," Miguel said to Decha. "You're like, crazy talented."

Decha smiled at him. "Thanks."

Miguel turned his head back to Achara. "Do you want to get a drink or something?"

Achara nodded her head. "Uh, sure." She turned to Decha. "See you around."

Decha nodded and watched the two of them make their way into the kitchen. He inhaled a deep breath as he glanced over at the kitchen, seeing the various alcoholic beverages laid out on the counter. He felt Demetri squeeze his hand, causing him to turn his attention towards him.

"Are you okay?" Demetri asked.

Decha nodded as he looked around the room, spotting Eli on the couch. "Hey, look, there's Eli."

Decha dragged Demetri by the hand and pulled him over to the couch. He plopped down next to Eli, pulling Demetri down with him.

"Have you seen Moon anywhere?" Eli asked them.

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