19 ― tough decisions, tougher envisions.

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❝ is it possible to like two people at the same time? ❞

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is it possible to like two people at the same time?


It had been nearly two hours since Daniel LaRusso had announced that Miyagi-Do's had been vandalized. None of the students of Cobra Kai wanted to come forward and admit that they had done it. They were doing burpees—jump, squat, hands flat on the mat, plank position, push up, jump back up—over and over again. Achara's back and legs were starting to hurt. She had never been so exhausted. Decha's body felt like it was cramping up all over the place. They weren't sure how much more they could take. The entire dojo was full of the sound of pained, tired grunting and heavy breathing.

No one was fessing up. Decha thought he had a pretty good idea of who had done it, but he couldn't just make an accusation without having proof. Hawk had been furious the night before after Decha walked out on him and left him with Kreese. Who knows what kind of ideas he planted into Hawk's head.

"This could all be over in an instant," Sensei Lawrence shouted. "The decision's yours! Who trashed the Miyagi dojo?"


"Y'all know I'm no fan of LaRusso's, but that sort of bullshit we don't teach in here," he continued. "At least not anymore. So, I'm gonna ask you again. Who trashed Miyagi-Do?"

"It was not me, Sensei," the older student said. "I would never disrespect another man's dojo—"

"Shut your cakehole, Chubs," Sensei Lawrence interrupted him. "I'm not looking for excuses. I'm looking for answers!"

"Sensei, we really don't know who did it," Miguel struggled to say from being so out of breath.

"Somebody knows something," Sensei Kreese spoke up. "Question is...who's gonna break?"

Decha glanced over at Hawk, trying to observe his facial expressions and mannerisms. As much as he didn't want to, he needed to look at him to see if he appeared guilty or not. He didn't even have to look too closely to see that Hawk was guilty as can be. It was written all over his face. He kept looking up at Kreese, who just looked back at him, sharing a knowing glance.

Sensei Lawrence's phone started to ring. "Keep going. We could do this all day."

He stepped out of the room to answer it. The burpees continued. It seemed like they were never going to end. Achara felt like she was going to pass out. Her head felt heavy like her neck couldn't support it.

"Sensei, we need a water break," Mitch said to Kreese.

He looked at the students, struggling more and more by the second.

"Two minute break!"

Relieved sighing filled the room. Achara sat down on mat, laying her back flat against it with her arms spread. Miguel held her water bottle out in front of her. Achara smiled as she grabbed it from him.

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