31 ― divisions, collisions, decisions.

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❝ the only one who can make the decision is you

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the only one who can make the decision is you.


Decha closed the refrigerator door, unscrewing the cap of an orange juice carton as he spoke. "I mean I'm quitting. I'm not going to be apart Cobra Kai after what they did."

"You mean what Hawk did?" Achara asked, crossing her arms.

"Hawk might have been the one who broke his arm, but they cheered him on," Decha told her as he put the juice back in the fridge. "They encouraged it and did nothing."

"So, you're quitting just like that?" Achara asked.

Decha nodded, taking a sip of orange juice from his cup before talking. "I am and I suggest you do too. In case you forgot, Demetri's your friend too."

"I can be Demetri's friend and still be in Cobra Kai," Achara replied.

"Not according to Hawk you can't," Decha responded. "As far as he's concerned, anyone who associates with Demetri is the enemy."

Decha leaned up against the counter with his cup in his hand. "I'm not going back to Cobra Kai."

"What are you going to do then? Join Miyagi-Do?" Achara questioned him.

"No," Decha shook his head.

"So, you're just going to quit karate?" Achara asked. "I thought you liked it."

Decha shrugged. "Maybe I will. I'll find something else to occupy my time. And there's other dojos in the valley."

Achara sighed. "Okay, fine. You can't quit if you want, but please come to one last practice?"

Decha pushed his head back, giving her a confused look. "Why would I do that?"

Achara shrugged. "To get one last practice in before you quit."

Decha knew it was a bad idea. There was nothing that he was going to get out of going to one last practice, but he agreed anyway. Achara smiled.

"For the record, you can quit after today," Achara told him, "but I won't be."

She didn't give him the chance to respond before walking away. Decha put his cup in the sink and followed her out into the living room.

"Can I go in your car today?" Decha asked.

Achara grabbed his keys off the hook and opened the front door. "Why?"

"I don't have enough gas in my car," Decha answered. "Or any money."

Achara rolled her eyes. "Get in changed and meet me in the car."

Decha walker up to his room to change into his gi before going out to Achara's car her and getting in the passenger seat. The only sounds that could be heard was the song playing on the radio and the twins' voices as they sang along.

AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now