01 ― let the chaos begin.

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❝ what the hell did you do? ❞

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what the hell did you do?


It was still the early hours of the morning. The sun was just starting to shine through the small crack in her curtains. She was scrolling through her phone as she usually did before she got ready for school but stopped when she heard the noise.

She had no idea what the sound could be. Her parents were both sleeping, and as far as she knew, so was her brother. Achara started to assume the worst. Her first thought was that the house was getting robbed, and her first instinct was to run towards her closet and hide. But instead, she got out of bed and grabbed her skateboard.

She slowly began to open her bedroom door and raised the skateboard over her shoulder, fully prepared to swing at someone if she needed to. She tiptoed down the hallway, stopping once she heard another thud. The sound was coming from her brother's room. Achara put her hand on the doorknob and slowly started to turn it. When she opened the door, she saw her brother on the floor in front of his window.

Achara's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion. "What the hell?"

"I could ask you the same thing," Decha said as he stood up. "Were you about to hit me with your skateboard?"

"Why are you on the floor?" Achara asked, ignoring his question. "And why were you making so much noise?"

"I was coming through the window, and I fell, and then my foot got caught in the curtain, so I fell again," Decha replied as if it were a very normal thing.

"It's six thirty in the morning..." Achara pointed out.

Decha walked over to his bed and sat down. "I'm aware."

Decha had a bad habit of sneaking out. Unlike Achara, he didn't have the luxury of having their parents blindly believe some obvious lie about his whereabouts. All Achara had to say was that she was going to hang out with some friends, and they didn't bat an eye.

Achara rolled her eyes at him. "What was it this time? A party where you drank so much that you passed out drunk? Or a party where you met a cute person, hooked up with them, and then passed out drunk?"

"The second one," Decha answered, a smile on his face like he was proud of it.

"So," Achara leaned her back against the doorframe. "Who was the poor unfortunate person that fell victim to your obnoxious charm?"

Decha shrugged. "No clue."

Achara shook her head and let out a quick, breathy laugh. "You know, one of these days, all of this promiscuity is going to bite you in the ass."

"And one of these days, mom and dad are going to find out that their perfect little angel is actually a little devil," Decha replied back, standing up from his bed.

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