03 ― the devil listens to ac/dc.

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❝ don't talk to me, ever

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don't talk to me, ever.


Between pretending to be who her parents wanted her to be and who she actually was, sometimes she struggled to find the balance. She wished she could be more like her brother in that aspect—staying true to who he was despite the disappointment from their parents that followed. But that was just the thing, Achara didn't want her parents disappointed in her.

So she lied. She pretended. It just seemed easier that way. But it took a toll. Achara was starting to feel a pressure on her shoulders—a pressure that was starting to weigh on her. But she didn't let it come crashing down. She let it push and push, keeping up with the facade of the perfect daughter.

She looked around at other teenagers at school or at the skate park or at the parties she attended, wondering if they pretended too. Did they lie to their parents about who they really were? Did they lie and manipulate their parents into thinking they could do no wrong? Achara liked to tell herself that they did. It made her feel better about herself—about all the lies she told to get herself and Decha out of trouble.

"Are you okay?" A voice spoke, pulling Achara away from her thoughts.

"Huh?" Achara asked, turning her head to face the owner of the voice.

It was the boy from the cafeteria who had walked up to the popular table. "I asked if you were okay. You looked a little upset."

"Oh, I'm fine," Achara replied.

"Do you mind if I sit with you?" he asked.

"Not at all," Achara smiled, gesturing her palm towards the seat as a way of telling him to sit.

He took a seat. "I'm Miguel. What's your name?"

"Achara. It's nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you too," Miguel replied.

"Hey, why aren't you sitting with your friend?" Achara asked, nodding her head towards Demetri.

Miguel pointed to the board. "The seating chart got changed."

"Oh," Achara felt like an idiot. She had looked at the seating chart, but didn't even bother to look at who was sitting next to her. She had simply looked for her name and called it a day.

AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now