27 ― new person, same mistakes.

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❝ who are you willing to sacrifice everything for? ❞

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who are you willing to sacrifice everything for?


It was as if he had the devil sitting on one shoulder telling him not to break up with Hawk and an angel on the other telling him to break up with him. Decha wanted to listen to the angel and spend every single once of attention he had to offer on Demetri, but the devil just wouldn't seem to leave him alone. Despite everything, he still liked Hawk. Liking him had never been part of the plan, but Decha should have known that things have a funny way of working out.

He knew exactly what the old Decha would have done. Old Decha would have continued to date Hawk but tell Demetri that he had broken up with him even though he hadn't. He didn't want to be old Decha. He didn't want to make the same mistakes that he had always made. He wanted to be able to say that he was a new person who didn't date someone new every single time he got bored of them or didn't date multiple people at the same time. He didn't want to make the same mistakes.

Decha started to aggressively punch his pillow repeatedly. He threw it across the room, not realizing that Achara had stood in his open doorway. The pillow flew at her face, smacking her before falling to the ground.

"What the hell was that for?" Achara asked.

"Sorry," Decha apologized. "I didn't mean to."

Achara picked up the pillow from the floor and threw it back at him. Instead of it hitting his face, he caught it.

"Are you okay?" Achara asked. "You seem...off."

Decha groaned, putting his head in his hands before directing his attention back to her. "Hawk kissed me yesterday after practice."

Achara's eyes widened so big that Decha thought they were going to pop out of her head. "Alai? He did what? I thought that you two broke up after the fight."

Decha shook his head. "No, we didn't. I kind of just...ghosted him? He didn't exactly talk to me either, so I just wanted to clear things up and see if he thought we were still dating. I had every intention of breaking things off officially, but now I don't know what to do."

"As long as you didn't kiss him back, then just tell him that things are over," Achara told him. "Wait...you didn't kiss him back, did you?"

Decha gave her a guilty look. Achara punched him in the upper arm.

"Ow!" Decha shouted, grabbing his arm. "I still can't get over the fact that you hit so much harder now that you do karate."

"You're an idiot!" Achara said, punching him again, but in the other arm.

"Tell me something I don't know," Decha responded. "Dealing with Hawk and Demetri feels like a broken record at this point."

"This is why you never should have gotten involved with Hawk and just continue to focus on Demetri," Achara replied. "You wouldn't be in this mess, and you never would have fallen for him."

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