56 ― shattered and scattered.

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❝ cat got your tongue? ❞

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cat got your tongue? ❞


She looked up at the new Cobra Kai dojo, trying to get the courage to walk in. This was going to be her last day at Cobra Kai. The only problem was that she hadn't told Silver yet. Though she feared what his reaction would be, Achara had to go through with it. She made a promise not only to those she cared about, but to herself as well. Achara would no longer allow herself to be controlled by the manipulation of Cobra Kai.

She reached for the handle and pulled the door open. Achara walked through the dojo, seeing the other students lined up on the brand new mat. In front of them stood Silver and several other adults dressed in various gis. All eyes were instantly on Achara as she placed her bag by the door.

"Let's all give it up," Silver spoke, holding his hand out towards her. "Champ is in the house."

They all applauded and cheered. Achara couldn't help but think that they wouldn't be reacting that way to her arrival if they knew that she was quitting.

"She's allowed to be a little late. Today," Silver joked, causing several laughs in response.

Achara bowed before she stepped onto the mat. She claimed the spot at end of the line next to Tory. Achara gave her a small smile. Tory's eyes immediately darted at the floor. Achara furrowed her eyebrows, saying her name, but Tory didn't budge. Her gaze remained fixated anywhere that wasn't on Achara as she gave her the silent treatment. Achara didn't understand why Tory was acting like this.

She thought that their conversation during the tournament had been the first step towards fixing the strain between them. Achara started to think that maybe she had read the conversation wrong or that there was something that Tory wasn't telling her. She always did seem to shut her out when there were things she didn't want Achara to know.

"Hey, Chara," Kenny whispered, looking past Tory. "When are you going to bring your trophy in?"

"Not today," Achara answered, shaking her head.

Kenny's smile faltered as he looked away from her. Achara looked straight ahead, her eyes scanning the senseis that stood in front of her.

"All right, warm up," Silver announced. "The senseis will instruct you. Let's see what they know."

Achara looked around the dojo, watching as the other students dispersed and teamed up with one of the senseis. The sensei who was wearing a blue gi began to walk up to Achara, but he was stopped by another man wearing a white gi. Achara gave him a confused look as he approached her.

"So, you are champion, eh?" he asked. "You are Achara Thirasawat?"

Achara nodded her head. "Yeah, I am."

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