24 ― the tragedy of revenge.

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❝ it's about time she learned her lesson

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it's about time she learned her lesson. ❞


It was the night before school was about to start, and Achara stayed awake, thinking about Sam kissing Miguel. Her mind had been wandering all weekend, thinking of the worst possible scenarios. Miguel had been trying to contact her, but his texts went unanswered.

That night, Achara remained awake, staring up at the ceiling. Her phone buzzed over and over again on her nightstand, but she couldn't bring herself to look at it. She knew it was Miguel. It was as if her mind wouldn't let her, fearing the worst.

Decha spent almost the entire night thinking about Hawk and Demetri. His mind was running a mile a minute as he tried to think about what he was going to do. He wanted nothing more than to be with Demetri, but he didn't want to break Hawk's heart. He had never cared about breaking anyone's heart before, but Hawk was different. He actually cared about him, and he just couldn't bring himself to hurt him.

Both of the twins were wide awake when their alarms began to blare at them. Even after turning them off, they continued to lay in their beds and stare up at the ceiling. It wasn't until their mother came knocking on their door that they actually got out of bed.

After seeing the texts he had sent her last night, Achara decided that she was going to talk to Miguel and tell him that she had seen him with Sam. Achara hated to assume the worst and she wanted to at least give Miguel the opportunity to explain. He deserved to tell his side of the story.

Achara hadn't even gotten the chance to walk into the school before she saw him leaning against one of the concrete pillars. Miguel shoved his phone in his pocket when he saw her and walked over to her.

Achara waved goodbye to Decha as he walked into the school.

"Achara! I've been trying to text you all weekend," Miguel said. "Are you okay? Did something happen?"

Achara stared at him, wondering how she should approach the conversation. She figured that coming right out and saying what she saw was the best way.

"I saw you with Sam at the party," Achara told him. "I saw you kiss."

Miguel's face sank. "She's the one that kissed me. I didn't kiss her back. I pushed her away the second I realized what was happening. I would never do that to you."

"That's not what it looked like," Achara said.

"Chara, I swear on everything that I pushed her away. I'm sure it looked like I kissed her back because I was too shocked to react, but I didn't," Miguel pleaded. "Please, you have to believe me."

Achara sighed and nodded her head. "I believe you. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. I just...I just thought that..."

Miguel shook his head and wrapped his arms around her, enveloping her in a hug. "It's okay. I love you, okay? I'd never do that to you."

AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now