25 ― guilt becomes her.

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❝ do you blame yourself? ❞

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do you blame yourself?


The twins had both gotten suspended.

Achara hadn't left her room at all except for going to the hospital to make sure she didn't have any long-lasting effects of the concussion she got during the fight. She ate her meals in her room. She avoided everyone. She didn't go to Cobra Kai. All Achara did was lay in her bed, lights turned off and the blanket pulled over her head.

Achara didn't sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, memories of the fight flooded her brain. Visions of Miguel falling from the balcony. The moment her head slammed against the railing, causing her concussion. She woke up crying and screaming. Her parents and Decha would come running into her room at the sound of her screams.

Decha often went into her room and sat in there, talking to her about different topics to try snd be there for her. She never talked back.

Achara overheard her parents talking one night when she went to the bathroom.

"Chan gungwoan, Kiet," her mother had said.

I'm worried, Kiet. Her mother said she was depressed. Achara heard her crying, saying that she didn't know how to help her. Three days later, Achara was sent to a therapist. Her parents thought it would help her to talk to someone. Achara didn't think so.

Achara spent the majority of therapy insisting that she was fine. Her therapist didn't believe her, but made a point of saying that she could talk whenever she was ready.

All Achara wanted was to be able to see Miguel, but she wasn't allowed to while he was in the ICU. She was always told that only family and staff were allowed. She knew he was okay. Carmen had kept her updated, but she wanted to see him. She wanted to hold his hand and tell him that everything was going to be okay.

Achara cried at night when she imagined Miguel lying in the hospital bed, stuck in his coma. She wondered what went through his head. There was nothing more that she wanted than to see him.

Decha hated seeing Achara so devastated. He tried everything he could to keep her spirits up. He even went as far as to buy all of her favorite candies and food, but nothing seemed to help.

During the suspension, Decha was finally able to get his license back after re-taking his driver's test. He had worried that the fight at school would make him have to wait longer, but it hadn't. He felt bad that his life wasn't as affected as Achara's.

Neither of the twins were happy to try to school. After being suspended for two weeks, they weren't sure what they were going to walk back into.

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