41 ― second chances.

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❝ i've never met anyone's parents before

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❝ i've never met anyone's parents before...not intentionally at least. ❞


Decha stood out back at Miyagi-Do, the other members of Eagle Fang and the Miyagi-Dos surrounded him. The practice had yet to start, so Decha thought it would be a good time to fill his fellow karate students in. Whether or not they were going to tell Johnny and Daniel was still up for debate.

"What's this big announcement you wanted to share?" Sam was the first to ask.

"Okay, before anyone asks any questions or concerns, let me finish talking," Decha started off. "No interruptions or I'll throw this at you." He held up a small pebble that he clutched in his hand.

"All right," Decha nodded his head before he began to explain the plan. "Achara and I came up with a plan. She's realized that Cobra Kai has turned her into someone that she doesn't want to be. However, she won't be quitting Cobra Kai?"

"What?" Demetri blurted out.

Decha threw the pebble in his direction. It bounced off his arm and fell to his feet. Demetri turned to give him an offended look.

"I said no interruptions!" Decha said as he knelt down to pick the pebble up from the ground. He looked around the group. "Anyone else?"

They shook their heads.

"Okay then," Decha said before continuing to explain. "Anyway, she won't be quitting Cobra Kai. She'll help us in secret and give me updates on what's happening at Cobra Kai so that we'll always know what they're up to. Now, any questions, comments, or concerns?"

"It's dangerous," Sam protested, shaking her head. "She shouldn't be playing both sides."

"She's already made up her mind," Decha responded. "There's no changing it."

"What happens if Kreese finds out? Or Tory?" Miguel asked. "Isn't she dating Tory now?"

"How do you know that?" Decha asked, a confused expression on his face.

"Achara posted about it on Instagram," Miguel replied nonchalantly, causing everyone to turn and look at him. "What? It's not weird to still follow your ex..."

"Anyway," Decha responded to Miguel's question, "Those are sacrifices she's willing to make, but they won't find out. Achara's a good liar. She's gotten us both out of trouble by coming up with some kind of lie more times than I can count."

"How do we know we can trust her?" Demetri asked.

"We can," Decha reassured him. "I won't tell her anything about what happens here so even if this was a ploy—which it isn't—she'll never know what we do. Cobra Kai won't know a thing."

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