29 ― every last moment.

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❝ they want to spend every last moment he has together

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they want to spend every last moment he has together.


She sat in her car, pulled into a parking space outside of Miguel's apartment. He had been released from the hospital and was starting physical therapy. He had asked her to be there to support him, and Achara was more than happy to oblige. But no matter how hard she tried, Tory's voice echoed in her head. Miguel doesn't deserve you. He doesn't appreciate you. Not like he should. Achara just wanted to scream, but she held it in.

She opened her car door and stepped out. She locked the door after shutting it and took a deep breath before she made her way towards Miguel's door. She raised her fist to knock and then waited for the door to open. When the door was pulled open, Carmen appeared on the other side, a huge smile on her face at the sight of Achara.

Achara smiled back. "Sawasdee ka."

"How are you, dear?" Carmen asked her, letting her inside.

"I'm doing great," Achara lied.

She was far from great, but she wasn't going to let Carmen know that. She'd want to know why, and Achara wasn't sure what she would tell her. How did you tell your boyfriend's mom that you couldn't stop thinking about someone else's love confession?

Confusion spread across Achara's face when she saw Miguel lying on a mat table, a man she had never seen before pushing on his legs.

Achara walked up to Miguel, giving him a smile and a small wave. "What's going on? I thought you were doing physical therapy with Johnny."

"I am," Miguel replied. "My mom gets free physical therapy from work and Johnnys not here yet."

"Oh," Achara nodded her head.

As if he heard them talking about him, Johnny walked through the door, pausing when he saw Miguel.

"Oh, sorry," Johnny apologized. "I thought you said 10:00 that you'd be alone."

"Sorry, my mom gets free physical therapy from work," Miguel explained. "And this was the only time Brayden was available."

Brayden looked over his shoulder at Johnny. "Mahalo."

Achara cringed, her nose scrunching.

"Be done soon if you wanna wait," Miguel announced.

"Now, if you're feeling any pain, hermano, let me know," Brayden told Miguel.

"Still no feeling whatsoever," Miguel replied.

Brayden shook his head. "No worries. Positive thoughts, remember?"

AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now