26 ― the warrior you're meant to be.

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❝ rejoining cobra kai? that's social suicide

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rejoining cobra kai? that's social suicide. ❞


She sat in her room, scrolling through social media. Word had spread that Miguel had woken up from his coma. Each and every single post was about him. Achara found her rolling her eyes. Half the people who were posting about how glad they were that he was okay didn't even know him. Achara set her phone down and sighed. She knew that Miguel was awake before anyone else. Carmen texted her, spreading the good news.

There was nothing more that she wanted than to see him, but now that she actually could, the thought of seeing him terrified her. She wasn't sure what she would say to him or what Miguel would have to say to her. She was worried that after what happened during the fight, that Miguel would want nothing to do with her.

So lost in her thoughts, Achara jumped when she heard the doorbell ring. Achara grabbed her skateboard that leaned up against her wall and slowly walked down the stairs. She looked through the peephole and put her skateboard down, leaning it up against the wall next to the door.

Achara unlocked the door and opened it. John Kreese stood in front of her.

"What are you doing here? Is this about rejoining Cobra Kai?" Achara asked. "Look, I want to come back to the dojo more than anything, but after the fight...after what happened to Miguel, I don't know if I can."

"Letting the tragedies of war hold you back will get you nowhere," Kreese responded.

Achara furrowed her eyebrows at him. "Why's it so important to you that I come back?"

Kreese looked her directly in the eyes. "Cobra Kai needs you. You were one of our strongest fighters. Without you and the Nichols girl, Cobra Kai is nothing."

Achara gulped. "Let me think about it? I don't know if it's the right decision..."

"The right decision is not giving up on becoming the warrior you're meant to be," Kreese responded.

Achara nodded her head and started to close the door. She locked it and then grabbed her skateboard to put it back in her room before walking back down the stairs and putting on her shoes.


Achara walked down the hallway of the hospital in the direction of Miguel's room. When stepped around the corner, Miguel turned his head to look at her. All Achara could do was stare at him as she saw him hooked up to all the machines.

Achara walked into the room and stood by his bedside. "Hey, how are you doing?"

Miguel shrugged. "I've been better. Are you okay?"

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