13 ― of rejection and refection.

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❝ just don't give up

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 just don't give up.


At least, that's what he had been told most of his life. From his parents and his grandparents, from his so-called friends, and from the relationship partners he had in the past. They all said the same thing: that he was a terrible person who needed to treat people better.

He couldn't even deny that it was true. He knew that they were right. He hated that they were right.

Decha couldn't stop thinking about what Demetri said after the tournament. Decha had never liked anyone as much as he liked Demetri, and he certainly hadn't admitted to anyone that he liked them. He wasn't lying to him. He meant it when he said it.

He couldn't help but wonder if Demetri thought he was a terrible person too. Was that why he couldn't go out with him or at the very least give him a chance?

Decha didn't know what to do. He'd never been rejected by anyone. He'd never liked anyone. He didn't know that it could hurt so much. Did rejection always make your heart feel like it was broken in half?

He sat by himself at a table at Applebee's. Tonight was supposed to be a fun celebration of Cobra Kai's victory at the tournament, but instead Decha was moping by himself. It also didn't help that Demetri was there, acting like nothing happened.

Decha glanced over to the table where Demetri sat with Achara, Miguel, Hawk, Aisha, and Moon. They were all smiling and laughing and having a great time as Aisha filmed on her phone. Decha heard them cheering.

He noticed Achara and Aisha walking towards him.

Achara placed her hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay? You sure you don't want to come celebrate with us?"

Decha shook his head. "I'm sure. Especially not when Demetri's around. I don't think he wants anything to do with me."

"Huh?" Aisha asked. "Why do you say that?"

Decha sighed. "Because after the tournament, I tried to talk to him about our kiss at the Canyon—"

"Wait, back up," Achara blurted out. "You kissed? Why didn't you tell me?"

"You were kind of too busy crying your eyes out over what happened with Miguel," Decha told her. "Glad you two worked that out by the way."

"Right..." Achara responded. "Anyway, continue."

"I told him I liked him," Decha admitted to them. "I asked him if he wanted to go out with me and he said he couldn't."

"So, you're upset that he rejected you?" Aisha asked.

Decha shrugged. "I guess. I've just—I've never been rejected before. I've never liked someone so much to the point where...I don't even know. I think he just thinks I'm still messing with him."

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