57 ― the other achara.

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❝ i know exactly who you are, achara

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i know exactly who you are, achara.


He was sitting on the couch in the tattoo parlor next to Miguel. Eli sat on the tattoo chair while Demetri stood next to him, watching the process. When Eli had invited him on the precedent of getting the boys back together since Miguel had gotten back from Mexico, Decha wasn't going to come at first. He was too nervous about speaking to Demetri after their breakup. But Demetri had insisted that it wouldn't be awkward.

He had been wrong. It was more awkward than Decha could have imagined. When they first met up, Demetri mumbled a quick hi, and then kept his distance. Decha kept finding himself sneaking glances at Demetri from across the room.

"All right, spill," Miguel tapped Decha on the shoulder. "What'd I miss while I was in Mexico? What's up with you and Demetri?"

Decha sighed as he turned his phone off and placed it on his lap. "We broke up."

Miguel's eyes widened. "Shit. Really? What happened?"

"I'm an idiot. That's what happened," Decha responded, crossing his arms. "He broke up with me because I keep screwing up and drinking and then lying to him about it. He said I use alcohol as a coping mechanism, and I kept lashing out at him. He's right. I realize that now. I just..."

Miguel placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, man. I'm sure things will work out."

"Yeah, that's what everyone keeps telling me," Decha sighed. "But to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't give me a second chance."

"Have you talked to him? Or tried to work things out?" Miguel asked, receiving a head shake in response. "Then how do you know?"

Miguel's phone buzzed in his hand, and he quickly looked down at it before sighing.

"Enough about me. What's going on with you?" Decha changed the subject.

Miguel shrugged his shoulders. "Achara still hasn't responded. Do you know anything about what's going on with her?"

Decha shook his head. "I haven't seen her since this morning."

"Hey, Miguel," Demetri's voice called out. "You good?"

Miguel stood up, walking over to where Eli and Demetri stood. "Yeah. Uh, tired from the trip is all."

Decha grabbed his phone from off his lap, placing it in his back pocket as he followed Miguel. He shared a glance with Demetri before they both quickly turned away.

"Well, I mean, yeah, you spent how many hours in a car with Robby?" Eli asked.

"Yeah, I've never seen you around him for more than two minutes without a John Wick-style fight breaking out," Demetri commented.

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