48 ― nervously in love.

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❝ when one door closes, another one opens

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when one door closes, another one opens.


She glanced at her phone that sat on her nightstand and tapped the screen. It was nearly twelve in the afternoon. Achara couldn't remember when the last time she slept in was. She stared up at the ceiling, trying to gather up enough energy to get out of bed.

She yawned once more as she removed her blanket from her body and placed her feet on the floor. After taking a shower to wake herself up a little bit more and getting changed, she made her way down the stairs. Her hair was tied up in a towel to keep it from dripping. Achara walked into the kitchen, blinking a few times at the sight in front of her.

Decha was leaned up against the counter, Demetri standing in front of him with their bodies pressed close as they kissed.

"Ahem..." Achara cleared her throat, causing them both to stop and turn towards her. "You are aware you have a room, right?"

Demetri quickly jumped back, his cheeks a deep shade of red as he stared down at the floor in embarrassment.

"I'm aware," Decha responded.

Achara rolled her eyes as she walked to the fridge and grabbed a can of soda. "Yeah? You should use it then."

Decha stuck his tongue out at her. Achara opened the tab of the soda, mist spraying slightly in her face as she stuck her tongue out, shaking her head from side to side at him.

Decha laughed and crossed his arms, continuing to lean against the counter. "Hey, since mom and dad are out of town this weekend for their anniversary, I was thinking we should have a party. It's been a long time since they've both been gone for longer than a few hours."

Achara took a sip of her soda and shrugged. "Sure, why not? It's been a while since we've had one. We'll think of it as a little pre-prom party."

"Ah, yes, the famous Thirasawat Twin parties," Demetri said with a chuckle. "You know, Eli and I would have killed to go to one back in the day."

Decha gave him a confused look. "You could have come. The invitation was always open to everyone."

"Even though the invitation was open to everyone, we were too afraid," Demetri explained to him. "It's strange how much has changed. If you would have told Freshman year Demetri that he'd be dating Decha Thirasawat, he would have called you the biggest liar in history."

"If you would have told Freshman year Achara that her brother would actually be in a relationship with someone for longer than a month she would have also called you a liar," Achara teased Decha.

Decha turned to her, giving her an unamused look.

"Hey, I'm happy for you! I'm glad you found someone you love who's willing to put up with your shit. It sure takes a load off of my back," Achara continued to tease, causing Decha to flip her off. "Hey! I'm kidding!"

AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now