35 ― friendship and feelings.

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❝ you're so pretty it hurts

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you're so pretty it hurts.


When she saw Robby standing next to Kreese, she waved at him with a smile on her face. She wanted to thank him for finally giving her the push she needed to break up with Miguel.

She didn't have the chance to say anything to him when the bell above the door jingled, and the sound of Hawk shouting filled the dojo.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

Achara suspected that something of that nature would happen when Hawk saw him. After all, he still viewed Robby as the enemy. She walked over to Robby and stood next to him, crossing her arms defensively. Hawk gave her a disapproving glare.

"Hold on there," Kreese said to Hawk. "Mr. Keene is our guest."

Hawk was not happy in the slightest. Kreese asked to speak to him in his office. Hawk obeyed, his eyes following Robby and Achara as he walked past them. Robby walked off. Achara followed him to the back training room.

Achara stood in front of him as he started packing his belongings. "Hey, uh, I just wanted to say thank you for helping me last night. I broke up with Miguel."

Robby nodded. "No problem. Some time apart might be good for the both of you."

"Yeah," Achara looked down at the ground before adverting her gaze back to Robby. "I also wanted to apologize for everything that happened. I missed having you as my best friend."

Robby gave her a smile. "Yeah, I'm sorry too."

"You know, I hated you," Achara told him. "Or at least, I wanted to. I hated you for dating Sam. I hated you for what you did to Miguel. But when I wanted someone to talk to, someone who wasn't Decha...I just wanted to talk to you. There were so many things I wanted to tell you that I couldn't..."

Robby sighed as he listened.

"I don't think I ever truly hated you," Achara continued. "You were my best friend. I guess...I guess I was wondering if maybe we could be friends again?"

Robby nodded his head. "You know what? I'd like that. There's so much I've wanted to tell you too."

Achara smiled and pulled him in for a hug.

Robby hugged her back. "And it's okay that you hated me. I hated me too."

Achara let go of him. Robby zipped up his duffel bag.

Tory walked in the room. "Quitting already?"

"Never joined in the first place," Robby replied. "I don't belong here."

At first, Achara was surprised to see them acting so friendly with each other. But then she remembered that Tory had told her that she had a run in with Robby when she was meeting with her probation officer.

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