21 ― are we gonna have a problem?

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❝ you might be an idiot, but you're not stupid

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you might be an idiot, but you're not stupid.


Practice was about to start as she sat next to Miguel and Tory. Achara and Miguel were planning their next date, Tory was only half-listening.

"Skatepark is out of the question," Achara said, giggling.

"I'm not against the idea," Miguel replied. "I just don't feel like falling on my ass again."

"So, in other words, you're against the idea," Achara responded.

Miguel sighed. "Okay, fine. You got me."

"How about we go see a movie?" Achara asked.

"Already checked what's playing," Miguel said, shaking his head. "Nothing worth seeing. Beach picnic?"

Achara shook her head. "The thought of getting sand in my food scares me."

"Fair enough," Miguel replied. "Park picnic then?"

Another head shake. "I don't want bugs in my food and it's going to be dark. Mosquitoes are the worst."

Miguel nodded. "Yeah, that makes sense..."

Tory groaned. "Good lord, you two are absolutely insufferable."

They both turned to look at her.

"What would you suggest then?" Miguel asked.

"It's eighties night at the roller rink," Tory answered. "You could always just do that."

As much as Tory hated the thought of having to see the two of them out on a date, she couldn't bear another second of hearing them trying to plan one. Besides, Achara and Miguel were her friends and she wanted to support them as much as she could.

"That sounds fun," Achara turned to Miguel.

"Yeah," Miguel agreed. "Dibs on Anthony Michael Hall in Weird Science."

Achara and Tory shared a laugh.

"I don't think you have to call dibs on that," Tory said.

The bell above the door jingled. Achara looked up and saw Decha and Hawk walking in with their hands intertwined. Achara, Miguel, and Tory exchanged confused glances.

"Uh...that's new," Tory turned to Achara. "Did you know about this?"

Achara shook her head. "No. I'm just as lost as you are."

Decha and Hawk shared a smile as they put their bags down. Decha made his way over to them and took a seat as Miguel got up to talk to Hawk.

"What the hell is going on with you and Hawk?" Achara asked, barely giving him the chance to fully sit on the mat.

AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now