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❝ what is this? west side story? ❞

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what is this? west side story?


As she removed her headphones from her head and placed them on her neck, she turned to her mother. She looked down at her phone, having not looked at Chae-Rin once the entire trip—a trip that Chae didn't even want to be going on. But she had no choice but to accompany her mother.

If Chae had it her way, she would have spent the entire summer locked away in her room with nothing but music to keep her company. That was never an option, not as long as she was the top student at her mother's dojo and especially not now. Through the promise that the karate teachings of her great-grandfather that Chae had spent her entire life learning, her mother had been set on taking Terry Silver up on his offer to come to America.

If there was one thing that her mother wanted more than to have a daughter to live up to the family name, it was the glory of knowing that her grandfather's teachings would be able to get the rightful credit they deserve.

Chae sighed as the private jet finally landed. She wanted to roll her eyes when she looked out the window and saw a red carpet rolled down on the ground. It all seemed a little too extravagant for her own personal liking, but she figured that's exactly what this Terry Silver man—whoever he was—wanted. Between the private jet and the red carpet, he had to make the Valley look more promising than it truly was.

Chae waited until her mother had and the sensei's that she had recruited to step off the jet before she stood up. She grabbed her backpack from the seat next to her and slung one of the straps around her shoulder. Chae slowly exited the jet, staring down at her feet as she descended the steps.

She stood next to her mother, looking at the man in front of her. He wore a black suit, and his silver hair was slicked back into a ponytail.

"You must be exhausted from your trip," he gestured to the limousine a few feet behind him. "There are refreshments in the limo."

Chae looked in the direction of the limo. Her lip curled up in disgust and she tried to fight the urge to roll her eyes. Her mother nodded at the other senseis, giving them the order to go to the limo. Chae continued to stand by her side.

"Limousines and private planes?" her mother, Kim Da-Eun asked. "This sort of extravagance might impress your former shareholders, but it doesn't hold sway for me."

Silver took off her sunglasses and stepped closer. "That attitude is exactly why I wanted you to teach at my dojos. I need you to see which of my students are ready to take the next step. I'm offering you full autonomy to test my students your way. Just one of the many perks you'll have as my business partner in Cobra Kai."

"Your offer is very tempting, but I did not get on the plane for money," Da-Eun replied.

Silver stepped even closer. "50% is just a number. What I'm offering you is legacy. Your grandfather didn't teach American soldiers the Way of the Fist just to use on the battlefield. We have to share his style with the world."

AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now