14 ― new kids on the block.

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❝ he wants us to do what now? ❞

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he wants us to do what now?


Two of the new recruits from the day before stood in front of them. While they were waiting for practice to start, they were trying to come up with nicknames for them. Decha stared at them, trying to think of something.

"What do you think?" Hawk asked. "Shithead One and Shithead Two?"

"I don't know," Decha crossed his arms. "I was thinking they were giving Tweedle Dum and Tweedle Dummer vibes."

The other three laughed.

"I was thinking more Mary-Kate and Asshat," Aisha added.

Decha laughed along with Hawk and Bert.

"Well, I'm Chris—"

"Did I say you could speak?" Hawk interjected.

Miguel and Achara walked up to them. Achara just shook her head and laughed.

"Guys, look, they're just messing with you," Miguel told them.

"Thanks, man," Chris replied.

"Besides..." Miguel added, "Everyone knows your names are Assface and Douchebag."

They all laughed except for the new guys.

"No, seriously though," Achara said with a smile. "We're just messing with you. It's good to see some new faces around here."


"No, problem," Achara responded. "I'm Achara, by the way."

"I'm Chris and this is Mitch."

Achara nodded. "Nice to meet you."

Chris and Mitch began to looked back and forth between Achara and Decha. They just stood there, waiting for the two boys to put two and two together.

"Are you two...." Chris trailed off.

"Twins?" Achara and Decha asked at the same time. "We sure are."

Aisha, Hawk, Miguel and Bert laughed to themselves as they continued to speak in unison.

"Why do you ask?"

"Woah...do you have like twin telepathy or something?" Chris asked.

"Do you feel each other's pain?" Mitch questioned.

Achara laughed. "No. We don't have telepathy or feel each other's pain. We do however, get this gut feeling when something is happening to the other. I think it's more twin empathy than telepathy."

"Besides, there's not enough conclusive evidence that supports the theory that twins have telepathy. It's all just anecdotal. But it has been proven that twins can share an emotional and physical connection," Decha explained.

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