05 ― the defender of nerds.

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❝ stay away from demetri

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stay away from demetri. ❞


When the school called her parents to inform them what happened at the Halloween dance, her mother was livid. Her parents had seen the videos. There was proof of her dousing Yasmine with punch. Achara tried to explain that she had just been standing up for Aisha. That seemed to lessen the punishment, but she was still grounded. There was no getting out of it.

Everyone at school had seen the videos too. When Achara walked into school the following Monday, people were whispering about her. People were pointing. There were even a few people who approached her to say that she was awesome. Apparently, throwing liquid at the school's biggest mean girl made you the coolest person in the school.

Achara wasn't sure if she liked the attention or not. She was used to people knowing who she was mostly due to Decha rather than on her own accord, but she often disappeared into the background and she liked it that way.

Apparently, her newfound sense of fame was the absolute opposite for Aisha. With every person that was talking about Achara, it seemed like there were ten more teasing Aisha for what Yasmine did.

Achara stood by Aisha's side as they walked to Aisha's locker. People were snorting at her and calling her a pig. Achara gave them all dirty looks as they walked by. 

"I'm sorry, Aisha," Achara apologized.

"Why?" Aisha asked, opening her locker. "It's not your fault."

"I know, but I still feel bad," Achara replied. "I didn't exactly help by making it worse."

"You didn't make things worse," Aisha said. "You stood up for me. You stood up to Yasmine for me."

"Hey," Sam's said, walking up to them. "How are you feeling?"

"I've gone viral," Aisha responded. "How do you think I am?"

Sam attempted to make her feel better. "Look, they're mean, but they have short memories. They'll forget."

Aisha slammed her locker shut. "Yeah. Well, I'm not going to forget."

Achara gave Sam an unimpressed look as Aisha walked away. "That's all you have to say?"

"I was just trying to make her feel better," Sam replied.

"Yeah?" Achara raised an eyebrow. "Well, you did a shit job."

Achara didn't give Sam the chance to reply before she left her standing there.

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