53 ― true potential.

209 12 13

❝ there is something holding you back

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there is something holding you back.

WARNING; emetophobia!!!
this chapter contains brief descriptions of/the implication of throwing up. there's not a lot of detail & the specific action itself is skipped over.

the only details described are a queasy feeling, going to the bathroom, and the action of rinsing out your mouth. i  wanted to say something just in case!


The time to fight Demetri for a spot in the semifinals had arrived. He walked into the mat with Demetri across from him. They kept their eyes on each other as they took center stage.

"Our next quarterfinal match will be Demetri Alexopoulos of Miyagi-Do Karate versus Decha Thirasawat of Eagle Fang," Daryl announced into the microphone.

They both bowed to the referee before turning to face each other. They bowed to one another, their eyes locking and never breaking as they stood up straight.

"Ready?" the referee asked.

Decha raised his fists and stood with his feet apart as he got into fighting position. He kept his eyes on Demetri, not daring to break eye contact.

"And fight!"

For a split second, they both just continued to stare at each other. Neither one of them made a move as they started to inch forward.

"Boyband, stop flirting and kick his ass!" Decha heard Sensei Lawrence shout from the sidelines.

Decha rolled his eyes and launched his fist towards Demetri. He quickly blocked the hit with his arm. Decha tried again and Demetri managed to block it, pushing Decha's wrist to the side. He raised his other fist and Demetri smacked his hand away. With Demetri distracted momentarily, Decha ducked down and gave Demetri a quick jab to the side.

"Point, Thirasawat!"

They'd got back into position, standing on opposite sides as they waited for the cue to fight. The second the ref's voice sounded; the two boys were stepping closer to each other. Decha threw the first punch, having it get blocked. He lifted his leg up and swung it towards Demetri.

He put his foot back down in the mat, preparing to send another punch Demetri's way. As he got into position, Demetri snuck his fist past him, and his fist collided with Decha's chest.

"Point, Alexopoulos! Score 1-1."

Decha gave him a proud nod before he turned around and walked back to his side. He stared at straight ahead at Demetri, winking at him as the referee asked if they were ready.

AGONY OF DESIRE ; cobra kaiWhere stories live. Discover now