09 ― got a secret, can you keep it?

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❝ trouble in paradise already? ❞

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trouble in paradise already?


Nonetheless, Achara and Decha stood with their fellow Cobra Kai members, surrounded by wrecked and out of commission cars. Personally, Decha thought it was far too early and bright outside to be having practice especially on a weekend. Achara had to quite literally drag him out of bed by his ankles. She had to push him down the stairs and fight him to get in the car as if he were a child. He was still wearing his pajamas as he stood next wedged between Achara and Hawk.

He squinted up at their sensei as he stood on top of van and stared at him as he cracked open a can of beer, chugging it down. Decha kinda wished he had one at that moment.

He let out a big yawn as Sensei Lawrence started talking. "You've trained hard. You've gotten stronger, tougher, faster. You've done your best. You're ready for this tournament, am I right?"

"Yes, Sensei!"

He threw his can of beer at them. "Wrong! Your best ain't shit! If you wanna win the All Valley Under-18 Tournament, you gotta give me better than your best. Which is why from now on, you're gonna get my worst. Do you understand?"

"What were we getting before?" Decha whispered to Achara, receiving an elbow to the side.

"Yes, Sensei!"

Decha just rolled his eyes. If all their other training sessions weren't him at his worst, Decha didn't even want to imagine what his worst was. 

"Are you losers?"

"No, Sensei!"

"Are you nerds?"

"No, Sensei!"

"Are you sure?"

"No, Sensei!"

Decha's face scrunched up as he looked around. He still thought the whole "Yes, Sensei" and "No, Sensei" thing was weird. Now, it was just sad. Sensei face-palmed and Decha was right there with him.

He jumped down from the van and instructed them to all go find a tire and bring it back. They all scurried off like little ants to search for tires while Decha just stood there for a moment, looking around. Right in front of him, sitting leaned up against the van Sensei had been standing on just moments before was a tire. He took no more than a few steps and grabbed the tire, looping his arm through it. Sensei watched him carefully as he did so. Decha walked back to where he was standing and dropped the tire at his feet.

He crossed his arms on his chest and stared at his Sensei. He stared back at him, looking as if he wasn't sure if he should be impressed that he had found a tire so easily while barely moving a muscle or if he should be disappointed that he hadn't run off to search like everyone else and break a sweat.

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