46 ― everything comes back to you.

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❝ whenever you need me, i'll be there

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whenever you need me, i'll be there.


With the news that the All Valley was now going to have a separate girls division, Achara felt she couldn't breathe. She could feel the eyes of Kreese and Silver staring straight into her soul as she sat in the office after practice. She felt small, like a tiny ant that was about to get squashed.

Her heart was pounding in her chest. She tried to keep her composure and not show that she was nervous as she listened to Silver talk on and on about how Cobra Kai needed her to step up to the plate more than ever before. It was all things that she had heard a dozen times before—that she was Cobra Kai's best shot of winning the tournament, that she needed to apply herself to rise up to the challenge.

"You won't let us down, will you, Achara?" Silver asked her, his hands placed flat on the desk between them.

Achara nodded her head. "I won't. I promise."

"Good," Silver lifted his palms and folded his arms against his chest, mirroring Kreese who stood beside him.

"You are what Cobra Kai is all about," Kreese added, his gaze fixated downwards at Achara. "You've proven yourself worthy, but the fight isn't over yet. It's only just begun."

Achara nodded. Part of her appreciated what they said and that they both thought so highly of her, but she didn't think it was worth it. With every word of affirmation that she received from her senseis; it seemed like the pressure of leading them to believe that she was still on their side grew even harder.

Achara was dismissed. She stood up and bowed at her two senseis before walking out of the office. She inhaled a breath through her nose, and she adjusted the strap of her backpack on her shoulder and made her way to the door to leave.

She tossed the new Cobra Kai merch that Silver had given her in the backseat of her car. He had given it out to all of the Cobra Kai students and had even sent some out to potential new students, in hopes that it would draw them towards joining Cobra Kai. If you asked her, Achara would say that she thought the new merchandise was atrocious. If it were up to her, she wouldn't be caught dead wearing it, but she had to if she wanted to keep up appearances.

With a sigh, Achara pulled out of the parking lot and began to drive home. When she arrived home, she immediately took a shower and changed her clothes before she took a seat on her bed and scrolled through her phone. As she opened Instagram, her finger hovered over the story of a familiar face. Achara clicked on the story, a smile tugging at her lips as she watched the story.

She closed the app and began to scroll through their old text messages. When she found what she was looking for, Achara stood up from her bed and got in her car. With her GPS telling her way to go, Achara drove out of the Los Angeles city limits.

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