32 ― rivalry, wherefore art thou?

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❝ trust me, you have never once occupied my dreams

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trust me, you have never once occupied my dreams.


She had been thinking about her therapy session with Olivia, trying to decide what she was going to do. Achara knew now that what Tory had said was true. Miguel didn't appreciate her as much as he should, but Achara didn't know if she was ready to let go of him as much as she knew she needed to.

Achara sighed as she waited at bottom of the stairs, right below the banner that read "Welcome Back Miguel!" It was his first day back to school since the fight. Students began to clap and cheer as Miguel walked into the school. Achara smiled and waved at him as he walked towards her. He kissed her cheek and then wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

Achara smiled. "I know I literally just saw you walking yesterday, but I still can't believe it."

"I know," Miguel replied. "It's still so exciting, you know? And I never thought I'd say this, but it feels good to be back at school."

They started walking down the hall as multiple students expressed their happiness about seeing Miguel. As they turned the corner, Hawk stepped in front of them.

"El Serpiente!" Hawk greeted Miguel.

"What's up?" Miguel asked.

"Welcome back, man," Hawk told him.

Miguel smiled. "Feels good to be back."

"Did they give you bionic legs or some shit?" Hawk asked Miguel.

Achara let out a quiet laugh.

Miguel shook his head, glancing down at his legs. "Nope, same old boring human legs."

"Oh, yeah? Can you throw down? Gotta defend that title," Hawk chuckled, starting to play fight with him. "Gotta get through me first. Dude, Cobra Kai is crushing it right now."

"Uh, I've actually been meaning to talk to you about that," Miguel told him, then glanced at Achara. "Both of you."

Achara gave him a confused look, her eyebrows scrunched together. The bell rang.

"I'll talk to you about it at lunch," Miguel told them.

Achara nodded and kissed Miguel. "See you at lunch."

"See you," Miguel replied back.

Achara climbed up the stairs to her class. Her brain was working overtime as she thought about what Miguel wanted to tell her and Hawk.


Decha was leaning up against a locker next to Demetri's. He was waiting for him so that they could walk to class together. It had slowly become something that they did every single morning.

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