17 ― just being friendly.

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❝ i guess i'm a nerd in disguise

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i guess i'm a nerd in disguise.


He was pacing by the front door, waiting for Demetri to arrive. His palms were sweaty and felt clammy. He could feel his heartbeat pounding against his chest. He was biting his fingernails.

Decha didn't think he had ever been so nervous in his entire life. He wasn't this nervous at his middle school talent show he performed a song that he had written or when he had his first kiss with Nico Coppola under the bleachers in the seventh grade. He wasn't even this nervous when he drank alcohol for the first time or smoked his first cigarette.

He was a complete nervous wreck and Achara didn't hesitate to tell him so. She was sitting on the couch with Tory next to her. The two girls were in the middle of trying to watch a movie. Achara had paused the movie and stared at her brother, watching him pace back and forth like a dog waiting for its owner to get home.

"Dude, would you take a chill pill?" Achara asked. "Your nervous pacing is interrupting our movie."

Decha didn't stop pacing. In fact, her pointing out that he was pacing just made it even worse. That meant he looked just as nervous as he felt.

"Seriously, what's wrong with you? Are you seriously this wound up because Demetri's coming over?" Achara asked.

Decha didn't stop pacing as he spoke. "I don't know! I'm freaking out, Chara. How do I stop this? What do I do?"

"Damn, you've got it so bad," Tory said as she laughed.

Achara started to laugh with her.

"Oh, you two think this is funny, huh?" Decha asked them.

Achara nodded. "We do."

Tory stood up and grabbed Decha by the shoulders, causing him to stop pacing abruptly and look at her. She had to look up at him as she looked into his eyes.

"Seriously, just calm down," Tory said to him. "You have nothing to be worried about. This isn't a date, remember? It's just two friends hanging out. If you're nervous, it'll make things awkward."

Achara threw a piece of popcorn in her mouth. "She's right. You've just got to act normal."

"I don't know how to act normal!" Decha shouted.

Tory leaned back and closed her eyes, sighing before opening them again . "First of all, that was right in my ear, thanks for that. Second of all, just be yourself."

"But being myself would mean flirting with him and he said he'd leave if I did that," Decha told her.

Tory started violently shaking his shoulders. "Then don't flirt with him! Talk to him. Get to know him more. Talk about your favorite movie. Do something that will keep your mind off of flirting with him. Got it?"

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