36 ― heaven knows i'm miserable now.

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❝ you were—are—everything

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you were—are—everything.


Every single post or story he looked at on social media was a clip from Yasmine's party either of him confessing how much he liked Demetri or of him singing the periodic table song. There was not a single social media app that was safe. It was everywhere. He'd gone viral. He couldn't even step foot outside of his house without someone asking him if he was "Periodic Table Boy."

It seemed like everything that he had ever been known for had suddenly been replaced in people's minds with one stupid song he sang when he was drunk. Decha let out a loud sigh as he slammed his phone down on the table.

Demetri walked into the living room, taking a seat next to Decha on the couch. "Don't break the table! My mom will kill me."

Decha crossed his arms and leaned his head back.

Demetri tapped his shoulder, causing Decha to tilt his head to look at him. "What's wrong?"

"Videos of me singing the periodic table song are everywhere," Decha told him. "And I mean everywhere! I've gone viral and thousands of people are laughing at me and commenting about what a loser I am."

"I'm sure it's not thousands..." Decha grabbed his phone and pulled up a video, the number of views had gone to almost four thousand. "Okay...wow. You weren't kidding."

"And that's not even the video with the most views," Decha informed him. "You know I've gotten messages and comments from people in different states? It's quite literally everywhere."

Demetri grabbed Decha's arm, forcing him to uncross his arms and then held his hand. "I'm sorry. But hey, all those people making fun of you don't know that you learned the song for me. You know, the first time you sang it to me, I tried so hard to act like I wasn't impressed. But I was and I still am."

"Really?" Decha asked.

Demetri nodded. "Oh, yeah. I like my periodic table singing boyfriend. Sure, it was embarrassing, but I still thought it was pretty damn amazing."

Decha smiled before he leaned in and kissed him. Demetri kissed him back, but pulled back before it had the chance to go any further.

"As much as I would love to continue, my parents will be home soon and I haven't exactly told them that I'm dating you," Demetri told him. "Plus, there's actually something that I wanted to talk to you about."

Decha shifted his position on the couch so that he was facing him directly, one leg folded on the couch as the other remained placed on the carpet. "What is it?"

"You said something last night," Demetri answered. "And I can't stop thinking about it."

"Was it something embarrassing?" Decha started to panic. "Honestly, I really don't remember anything that happened after I started singing the periodic table song. Was it the whole thing where I talked about how much I like you? Because I meant every word."

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