07 ― this little piggy is jealous.

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❝ you've got people on your side, eli

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you've got people on your side, eli.


Yet, there he stood in the middle of the dojo next to Demetri. Miguel's cafeteria brawl with Kyler had been posted and shared online hundreds of times. He'd made Cobra Kai go viral, causing it to gain the attention of some of the most unpopular students at West Valley to want to learn karate. Why wouldn't they if they could learn to fight the way Miguel did?

Decha wasn't interested in learning karate. Not really. He was mostly there for Achara's sake and the fact that she managed to convince their parents that he should join because it'd help with his anger management. She had a point, but Decha did not want to learn karate. That is, until he learned that Demetri would be there.

"Why'd I let you talk me into this?" Demetri asked Eli. "This goes against everything I stand for. It's like extra gym class for no reason."

"Let's just give it a chance," Eli tried to convince him. "You saw the fight. Miguel kicked ass."

Demetri sighed and then turned his attention to Decha. "And why are you here?"

"Because Achara convinced my parents that it'd be good for me to have a hobby," Decha told him. "Something about my teenage rage needing an outlet."

"Is that the only reason?" Demetri questioned.

Decha smiled at him. "Well, there's also you."

Demetri rolled his eyes. "You're like one of those people who work at the kiosks in the mall—annoyingly persistent, can't take no for an answer, and you make me want to go out of my way to avoid you."

Decha couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Weirdly enough, I think you're right."

"It's not a good thing," Demetri replied.

"Isn't it though?" Decha asked. "Once those annoying sales people get you to try what they're selling, you're always left impressed."

Demetri sighed. "Whatever."


Decha flinched and turned his head. Robby's dad—or should he call him sensei, Decha wasn't sure—stood in front of the crowd of teenagers hoping to become karate masters.

"Face front."

Decha turned his body to face him. Sensei started walking around the mat, looking at all of his potential new students.

"Nice shirt," he said to Demetri who thanked him. "I'm joking, it sucks."

He stopped in front of Decha and stared at him as if he was trying to think of something insulting to say, but couldn't. With his Metallica t-shirt and dark blue jeans with ripped holes at the knees, Johnny couldn't help but seem impressed.

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