42 ― love has flown all alone.

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❝ you'll just have to beat him at his own game

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you'll just have to beat him at his own game.


They were being guided through their tour of the high school. It seemed like everywhere Decha looked, there was another group walking around the hallways. Decha was making his way to the bathroom with Hawk by his side. All they wanted to do was use the bathroom before lunch ended and it was time to go back to class.

Neither of them expected to walk in on Nathaniel and Bert about to get into a fight with one of the very middle schoolers that Decha had seen in the hallway just a few moments before.

Hawk reached forward and grabbed the boy by his shoulder, pulling him back before pushing him against one of the stalls. Decha glanced down at the boy's shirt. He hadn't seen it before since the boy had his jacket zipped up and he had only looked at him for a split second.

"Thinking about striking first, huh?" Hawk asked him.


The boy looked petrified. Decha shoved his hand into his pocket as he continued to look at the boy. He thought back to the night Achara told him that Cobra Kai had gotten a new student. She had described him as small, innocent looking. "His name's Kenny," she had told him

"Yeah. Word of advice, kid," Hawk interrupted him. "Get out of Cobra Kai while you still can. 'Cause they're about to go down. And it's not gonna be pretty."

Hawk let go of him and walked out of the bathroom. Nathaniel and Bert followed him out. Decha glanced at Kenny once again. He needed to figure out a way to approach this that wouldn't expose Achara.

"Look, kid, those other guys, they're intense," Decha told him. "But he was right. Cobra Kai isn't something you want to be associated with. Trust me, it'll turn you into someone you don't want to be."

Kenny just stared at him blankly. Decha gave him a pat on the shoulder before he walked into an empty stall. He still had to go to the bathroom, so instead of using that one, he walked to another.

Decha couldn't stop thinking about Kenny for the rest of the day. Another sweet, innocent kid sucked into the corruption of Cobra Kai. He wished that there was something that he could do.

The only thing he could think of was that if he ever saw Kenny again, he'd just have to remind him that Cobra Kai was no good.


Achara sat on the mat in Cobra Kai, stretching her arms and legs. Tory was standing to her right. Robby was to her left. She stood up when Kyler approached them and continued to stretch her arms.

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