Chapter 5

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I sit up in bed as I'm jolted awake by knocking on my door. I rub my eyes as I try to adjust to being awake.

"Lora." It's Obi-wan, "Lora, we have a mission, wake up"

Adrenaline runs through my veins, pushing away the sleepiness. I shoot out of bed and open the door, almost stumbling on the way. Obi-wan stands there looking as fresh as day as if it isn't in the middle of the night. Making me feel some sort of ashamed of looking like I do having just woken up. 

"We leave in a few, hurry up"

I speed into my refresher to get ready. I have a fight with my hair that leave me incredibly frustrated, and it doesn't help that I'm tired since it's still night. My body is sore after the last weeks of training with Obi-wan. Yawning, I walk out in the livingroom to find Obi-wan already ready to go.

"You ready?" he asks me.

"Yes, master," I reply. And then we go. The jedi temple is mostly quiet at this time of day. There is always some Jedi coming home and leaving, but mostly you can feel a comfortable silence in the Temple. While we walk to the hanger it hits me that this is my first mission. Ahsoka have told me about her and Anakin's missions, and they all sounds exciting.

"If I may ask, master, what are we up to?"

"We are going to meet up with Anakin and Ahsoka, they or should I say Anakin, made a stupid move and risked everything to get R2-D2 back. They needed a pickup, and as always, contacted me. I feel like a taxi driver sometimes," my master says while he shakes his head.

On the way he keeps telling many funny stories of back when Anakin was his padawan. By the time we reach our cruiser, our stomachs are hurting by laughing. We walk on and we are met by a clone with yellow markings. He salute us as we walk in.

"Commander Cody, I don't believe you've met my new padawan. Commander Cody meet Lora Caran, Lora meet Cody." My master introduce us.

"A pleasure to meet you, Commander Caran," Cody says while shaking my hand.

"You too, Cody"

We walk to the bridge and Obi-wan give the command to jump to hyperspace. I don't think I ever will get tired of seeing hyperspace. It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen.

"Lora, why don't I show you around. You are going to spend a lot of time here while being my padawan, and if you are as needy as Anakin, also after," he says while smiling.

He showes me my room here. The size is a little smaller than back home, but I have to say I like this one way more. There is no boring beige walls, and when you look outside there is space. Not just the temple roof. He shows me to the eating hall, some other rooms that I don't remember the names of and finally he shows me the clone barracks on board. They all greet us when walking in.

He introduce me to all the clones. Waxer, Boil, Gearshift, Longshot, Peel, Woley, Trapper and way more. I'm not exactly great at names.

When we return back to the bridge a clone informs us that we are about to leave hyperspace. As we do, we can see Anakin's ship waiting for us. My master and I walk down in the hangar and watches as Anakin pilots the ship down. As they come walking out, we stand there waiting for them. Obi-wan have his arms crossed and gives Anakin a disappointed face.

"Really? Again? I need to pick you up again," my master exclaim. The two of them starts bickering. Ahsoka grabs my arm and pulls me in a hug.

"I feel like I haven't seen you in forever," she exclaim while she puts her hand over her heart, as if faking a heart attack. She never fails to make me laugh.

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