Chapter 10

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Ahsoka and I are currently trying to fight the droids that are coming at us on the planet, Felucia. Our masters sent us on jungle patrol, but we ran into the droids and decided to engage an attack on them.

"Ahsoka, what is your location?" I can hear my master's voice through Ahsoka's comlink from where she is standing on a tank, while I am on the ground reflecting all the possible shots.

"About six clicks east master," I hear Ahsoka answer, also telling him about how we got the droids on the run.

"What? We can't retreat now master" I then hear Ahsoka complain, what about I don't know as I missed my master's reply.

I try to listen in on the conversation, but as I move farther away to attack more droids while protecting the clones, it becomes impossible, I can only hear the two of them arguing.

Suddenly I hear gunships approaching, thinking it was only reinforcements. I don't turn to look.

I then hear my master yell something to me, but I can't hear what so I turn to look back.

"What did you-" I yell back but cry out in pain as I feel a shot hitting my arm.

Running to the gunship while holding my arm in pain, I can see Anakin pulling a very frustrated Ahsoka into the ship.

"Lora, did you get hit?" my master asks me worried while examining me. I sit down against the wall, my master crouching beside me when I show him my arm. The side of the gunship is still open, so when the droids explode the tank we were by, just seconds ago, Anakin makes sure Ahsoka sees what could have ended very badly.

The whole atmosphere was very uncomfortable. It was clear the two masters were not happy with how the two of us, especially Ahsoka, handled everything. No one really said anything except for my master, and Anakin checking up on me, Ahsoka clearly so ashamed she hadn't even noticed.

When we got back to the ship, the three of them followed me to the infirmary. Obi-wan because he was my master, Anakin because "it was his ship" and finally Ahsoka who just wanted to be there for me.

"Luckily it didn't hit anything major and is mostly just a flesh wound. You need to relax a little and not use the arm a lot, but in a few days it should be okay," Kix tells me while wrapping my arm.

I nod at Kix in thanks while Anakin and my master thanks him. Ahsoka and I sit in silence on the bed while our masters stand at the foot of the bed looking at us. I can see the disappointment in my master's eyes, I look down in shame, unable to stand people looking at me that way.

"What happened down there?" Anakin asks with a stern voice. I continue to look down. I feel Ahsoka shift around, but without answering.

"You put your men, the entire mission and yourselves in serious danger," Obi-wan says after the silence has lasted for a while, "What happened down there, no matter what, can't be repeated, do you understand?"

His voice is way more calm, I guess that's why they call him the negotiator. But that doesn't help this time, both of us are still staying quiet.

"Look at us!" Anakin almost yells. I flinch but obey. He looks angry and frustrated.

"Lora, I'm not your master, so I can't tell you to do anything, but Ahsoka, you have a duty to me. Tell me what happened down there!" He commands her.

"We were on the jungle patrol. Everything was fine until we stumbled on an army of droids coming our way. We thought that if we could force them back, or destroy them, we would have a big advantage. I couldn't see the bigger picture, and when you said to abort the attack, I thought you meant that we couldn't handle it. I'm sorry," Ahsoka tells our masters with a sorrowful expression on her face.

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