Chapter 43

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I thought death was supposed to be free of pain. We were taught the force would lull us into peace and be our forever home. We would be able to watch over our fellow Jedi, to connect with other force-sensitives that have too passed their mortal life. So why am I still in the same room? Why am I still restrained and still in pain? What about Obi-Wan? Sidious must have gotten in my head.

"Have you changed your mind?" The same raspy voice.

"No," I grunt. The same thing all over again. Burning flesh and feeling like dying. But when it ends, he says something that surprises me.

"Why don't we send a message to your precious order." A horrifying smile spreads across his face as he turns off the force field, letting my body fall to the ground, unable to catch myself. In front of me is a transmitter placed. "If you don't give up information about the new routes into Separatist space by the end of the week, the girl by my side will no longer be breathing." Instead of ending the transmission and sending it off, he sends a strike of lightning through my body. I black out for a second before waking up by the pain subsiding. Someone is standing above me. I can see it's a man, but who?

"Get away from her!" Anakin? "I said, back off!" I can't hold my eyes open.

"Did you find her?" A desperate question is asked from the door, before someone drops down beside me. "Lora?" Obi-Wan? I use my hands to move myself away from him with a scared expression. "Lora? You're safe, you're all right."

"No," I murmur. "You killed me before, you hurt me."

He shakes his head. "No, I've only just saved you. It was Sidious, he was in your head." Really? He carefully reaches out his hand for me to take. While shaking, I grab it. He helps me, but I'm met with a stab in the throat. A needle falls to the ground as I look terrified at Anakin.

"You weren't here to save me? Weren't you?" I realize.

"You left us, of course not. But we couldn't have you spilling our secrets could we?" He flicks my nose with a big smile. My legs give as I see the two of them leaving me behind, then my heart starts to cramp. It feels like it's exploding. Then... nothing.


Another strike. Then again.

"They haven't given in yet, we might just as well give them another reminder," Sidious laughs. Again, he cuts me down and lets me fall to the ground.

"I'm no longer a part of the order, they don't care about me," I tell him, using all my strength to lift my head.

"We'll see." In this reminder there's barely any talk, only him showing them what will happen to me if they won't give in. I almost throw up in pain when he places his hand directly onto my skin on the back of my shoulder, then shot lightning. My eyes roll back and I'm unable to function.

(Scenario four, placed by Sidious)

"Ahsoka? Help me, please," I cry into her arms as she barges through the door and cuts me down.

"Why would I?" She whispers back into my ear. Not also her. What is real anymore?

(Scenario 17, placed by Sidious)

I've gotten used to everyone I ever cared about coming 'to save me'. They only hurt me. I don't know what's real anymore. The pain they inflict is so real, I can't handle it anymore.

"No, I don't want to go with you," I push Obi-Wan away. He looks confused and hurt.

"Lora... what have they done to you?" His worry is clear in his voice. But I know that it's only a trick. It's all in my mind.

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