Chapter 61

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The sandbag in front of me is seriously butchering my knuckles. The bad feeling is not going away. The feeling of something is about to go terribly wrong, and it doesn't help that a thunderstorm has been going on for the past day. You need to stop acting on feelings, Lora. Grow up. My skin is covered in a thin layer of sweat, making it shimmer. The back of my hair is clinging to my neck as the rest of it is pinned up in a bun to avoid it getting in the way.

"Lora!" Someone calls for me.

I fight to get air into my lungs as I stop punching. "Yes, Master?"

"You are wanted in the Council room, now," he tells me.

"Can I take a shower first?" I ask, gesturing to my disgustingly sweaty body.

"No," he dismisses me and walks away. I shake my head in disbelief, but follow him after unwrapping my hands. I hiss when the final piece gets removed and feel it having gotten stuck in the small cuts on my knuckles. I take a long sip of my water before moving towards the Council room. I sit down my bottle outside and pull my hair down from its bun as I walk in. My movements freeze as I see someone else standing in the middle, someone that's not Jedi.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him, confused.

When he doesn't answer, I turn my question to the masters. Master Windu is the one giving me an answer. "Senator Combhar was attacked in his home here on Coruscant. We believe that a group of bounty hunters are after him. Seeing as the two of you already have worked together before, we have assigned you as his bodyguard. If assistance is needed, your Master and Skywalker have been assigned as well."

"Oh, that's..." I can't get words out of my mouth. He can't even look at me, how can we work together?

Master Windu leans forward in his seat. "Is something wrong, Padawan Lora?"

I see how my Master is looking awfully curious. "No, Master. I will make sure no harm comes to the senator."

"Good," he sits back. "Now, I can see we interrupted you during training. You will of course have time to freshen up before your mission truly begins."

"Thank you, Master," I bow to all of them before walking out of the Council room. As the doors close, I feel Jax having followed me out. "Why are you following me?"

"You're my bodyguard again, it's your job to not let me out of sight," he says.

"You're in the Jedi Temple, no one here even cares who you are," I tell him with crossed arms. When he doesn't budge, I pinch the bridge of my nose as I sigh. "Fine, come along. You can stay in our living room as I get ready."


"Yes, I share quarters with my master. We have a shared living room and then separate rooms with separate refreshers."

He looks around at the halls. "Does every Jedi Master share with their padawan?"

I shake my head. "No, not everyone. It is up to the masters whether or not they want to. It's usually the decision as their master made, so the way they were raised. If their master comes from shared quarters, then they usually do too, and therefore they will usually choose the same for their Padawan. And then vice versa."

As we pass a group of padawans, they give Jax some dirty looks, and he notices as well. "Does anyone like me here?"

I shrug. "You're a senator. And an outsider. We don't have non-Jedi in these parts of the Temple. How did you even get in here?"

"I fled here. All my guards were killed. So I took a speeder and came here, begged for safety."

"I'm sorry," I tell him. We reach my quarters and walk inside. "Anakin? What in the force are you doing here?" I ask the guy that's half sleeping on my couch.

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