Chapter 7

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"I'm burning up right now," I say to my master after we just landed back on Coruscant after a diplomatic mission on Orto Plutonia, a planet full of snow and snowstorms.

"Yeah, me too, Lora" Anakin says, wiping the sweat of his forehead.

"You will get the hang of temperature changes someday" Obi-Wan says while walking in front of us without showing any sign of discomfort.

We continue to walk back to the temple. But as we walk in, we are commed to the council room. When we walk in we are met with Master Yoda and Master Windu waiting with Ahsoka. I smile when see her, as I haven't talked with her in some time.

"To Naboo, the four of you will go" Master Yoda says.

"A mysterious virus has been discovered by Senator Amidala and Representative Bings. They have requested you assist them in the investigation" Master Windu finishes. As Senator Amidala is mentioned I notice Anakin shifting uncomfortably making me furrow my brows in confusion.

The entire flight to Naboo is practically silent. Except for me and Ahsoka talking and catching up, barely anything is said. Usually Anakin have some snarky remarks about Obi-Wan or pretty much anything, but today he is just silent. I know Ahsoka notice it too, but as I send her a confused look, she looks equally confused.

As we arrive on Naboo I am starstruck by how beautiful the planet is. The Big waterfalls and the city on the cliff, I decide that after the war is won, and I'm too old to be a jedi, I will move here and live out my old days. We land in a hangar and are met by two senators who catch us up to speed about Senator Amidala going looking for the lap, and the gungan who last saw her.

"Snips, Lora, go with the gungan and see what you can find," Anakin orders us.

"Yes master," Ahsoka says, while I just nod in confirmation.


Ahsoka, the gungan and I ride on a big animal of some kind, to the coordinates of the lap. I have to admit it was quite funny. As we find the ship Senator Amidala and Bings left behind, we descend from the animal and continue the way on foot. After almost getting seen by a scope, Ahsoka contacts our masters.

"The whole area is wired with pressure sensors, there is no way of getting in without being detected," Ahsoka says, explaining the situation.

"But we are more than happy to-" I start but get cut off by my master.

"Do not attempt to get inside," he says with a stern voice, he then explains how we are to detonate a bomb as a distraction.

As the night settles, Ahsoka takes out a bomb, and force lifts it to the detonation point. As the bomb explodes, we hear alarms from down in the lap. We hide until we can hear the clone ships flying above us. We then run towards the breach and jump down into the lap.

We are met with droids and some of the clones from the 501st. We fight down the droids as we hear explosions from other parts of the lap. That indicates that Obi-Wan and Anakin are here.

Then comes the worst droids in the world, destroyer droids with shields.

"Fall back!" I order as I hear one of the men scream while falling to the ground. We try to keep the shots away from the men, but even though we are two, it's too much for us.

"We can't hold them," Ahsoka tells the men.

But before we can react, the ceiling falls on top of the droids, crushing them. And on top of the rumble, stand no other than my master, with a confident grin on his face.

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