Chapter 51

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It took a long time for Master Kenobi to get out of his room after Satine died. And after that, it took additional two days for me to get him to admit that he wasn't okay and even longer until he understood that it was okay, and that all of us were there for him. I think it helped after I got us assigned to a mission, all of us. I think our harmless banter and recklessness got his mind away from everything, because when we returned, he was mainly back to his usual self. Of course I know that the pain will never fully disappear, but if helped just slightly, then job done. The mission not only helped him, even though that was the idea, but I have to admit that it helped me too. It was mostly diplomatic until it went wrong. But it wasn't that bad physically. It felt more like our old dynamic than anything else these past months. When my Master said he would fight to earn my trust back, he meant it. I can truly feel it everyday. He also goes out of his way to give me the chance to decide most choices to make me feel like I'm more in control.

"I'm just saying, that it's not what it usually is," I tell my Master before taking another bite of my food. We went for food at Dex's for lunch, and have been occupying our table for at least an hour.

He shakes his head with affection. "That's because you see it the wrong way."

"Says who?" I roll my eyes at him.

"I do," he responds. A weird feeling goes through me, interrupting our good conversation. I look up and see my Master having a similar expression. Then something happens. A loud bang rings through the city. People on the street scream and run away in fear. At the same time, I can feel someone I know, passing away. A Jedi. I stand from my seat quickly and rush out of the dinner. I look around, I can barely see anything for the tall buildings around me. I jump onto the dinner's roof and look around again. The sight makes my stomach turn. "Can you see anything?" My Master asks me through my comlink.

"Yeah," I respond horrified. I can barely get the words over my lips. "It's the Temple. The temple was bombed."


"How could the Separatists infiltrate the Temple?" Master Skywalker asks what everyone is thinking. He and Ahsoka were on a mission when the bombing happened, but were called back to investigate. After finding out they were chosen, I requested to join them and my request was approved. That's why the three of us are standing in the middle of the Council room with every member being physically present.

"Worse than that it is," Master Yoda says.

Ahsoka looks confused. "What could be worse, Master Yoda?"

All the masters look at eachother, but it's Master Windu that speaks up. "Everything is on the table. We have to look at the possibility that it could've been anyone in the Temple, even a Jedi."

"A Jedi, one of our own?" I asks. How could anyone do that?

"If a Jedi this is, gone to the dark side they have," Master Yoda adds.

"I... I can't believe a Jedi would attack a place this sacred," Ahsoka shakes her head.

"As Master Yoda mentioned, we'd like for you two, and Padawan Lora at her request, to lead the investigation," Master Windu says as he leans forward and interlaces his fingers. "We can't trust anyone who was here, even a Jedi. You three will provide an impartial point of view free of any assumptions."

Master Skywalker nods. "We'll do everything we can."

"Careful you must be, Skywalker. If willing to destroy the Temple the attacker is, to great lengths they will go to keep from being caught," Master Yoda warns us.

"Then I guess we'll have to go to even greater lengths to catch him," he replies. After that, the Council dismisses us and we begin our investigation. We start in the hangar that was bombed. All the lights are out, destroyed by the blast. The only ones besides us, are droids scanning the wreckage. "I can still hear the screams," Master Skywalker sighs.

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