Chapter 22

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"Master, how did Ziro escape again?" I ask my master as we walk out onto the landing platform.

"I'm not entirely sure," Obi-Wan admits.

"Sir, you seem troubled." Cody tells Obi-Wan as we meet up with him. He's right. My master is rubbing his beard with crossed arms. Something he does when something is troubling him.

"Quinlan Vos has that effect," he explains. I didn't know we were teaming up with someone else.

That name seems to ring a bell with Cody. "Ah, yes. That Jedi has quite a reputation."

"That may be overstating it, Cody. Let's just say he's crazy." My master says.

"I'm sorry, what?" I interrupt.

"Ship entry from the west, sir." Cody points out before I can get an answer. The ship comes closer and stops right above us, sending the dust around us, whirling around.

"Hey, Kenobi," Quinlan yells from above, catching our attention before leaping off the ship and doing a flip. What a show off.

"Ha," Cody laughs from beside.

"Hey commander, looking good. Kenobi, you look worse for wear. Maybe it's the little girl beside you that's wearing you out?" Quinlan says, making me narrow my eyes. I already don't like him. And one look at my master gives me the impression that he doesn't like him either.

"Yeah well, if you could tell the time half as well as you could stick a landing we wouldn't be behind schedule, now would we?" My master shoots back. "And for your information, that little girl is my padawan, Lora Caran."

"Another padawan? Well, works for some I guess. As long as she is not coming along and slowing us down." Quinlan say.

"As a matter of fact, I will. And don't worry about me slowing you down, you do a great job at that yourself," I retort. He stares at me with narrowed eyes, as I stare back doing the exact same.

"Alright, let's get back to business. Ziro the Hutt was broken out during a hostage takeover," Obi-Wan ends our staring competition.

"Yeah, I read the briefing about that mess," Quinlan tells us.

"Surprise, you can read," I mumble under my breath. Cody snickering as he is the only person that hears it.

"I suspect Jabba the Hutt is behind this. He still has it out for Ziro over the kidnapping of his son," Obi-Wan explains his theory.

"Well, my information indicates that Ziro has damaging evidence against the Hutt council. My guess is that they've taken him to the Hutt home planet, Nal Hutta," Vos says while walking onto our ship.

"As for this bounty hunter Cad Bane, we must capture and return both he and his quarry Ziro to the courts. I trust you and I can keep eyes forward to this common goal?"

"No problem. I owe Bane one anyway. I'll fly. You're my copilot," he gives Obi-Wan a pat on the shoulder before entering the cockpit.

"I was afraid he'd say that," my master tells Cody and I before Cody turns around and leaves, as Obi-Wan and I enter the cockpit as well. I take a seat in the copilot seat, as Obi-Wan sits in the seat behind me.

"What are you doing?" Quinlan asks me.

"Sitting, what are you talking about?" I ask him back.

"Your master is the copilot, not you," he says.

Obi-Wan clears his throat. "Actually, my padawan is the one usually flying, she's a better pilot than I'll ever be." It warms my heart to hear. Since Obi-Wan found out that Anakin had been giving me lessons, he has given me the job to be the pilot since, as he said, I am the better pilot.

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