Chapter 25

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As I sit in the cockpit and stare out of the glass, I can't shake a feeling of something. A feeling of something going wrong.

"Are you alright?" My master asks me from the pilot seat.

"No, not really," I don't see a point in lying to him, he knows me too well to get away with that.

"Maybe you should go and meditate," he offers. I raise a brow at him. He knows as well as anyone that I never meditate. "You never know. Maybe it could help."

I decide for once to take his advice. I stand up and go to the back room where Anakin is also sleeping. The door swooshes closed, but opens again almost right after. I look back to see Ahsoka walking in. I sit down on the floor in the middle of the room. I close my eyes and try to fall into a meditative state, but it never comes. The sound of Anakin gasping makes me open my eyes again.

"Were you having a nightmare?" Ahsoka asks him while putting a hand on his shoulder.

Anakin groans softly. "Something like that."

The ship rattles and the door to the cockpit opens. "If you're done napping, I could use a little help here."

I close my eyes to try again. But as I begin to focus. I hear Ahsoka grunt and pant. Opening my eyes, I see the Son standing right infront of me. I wonder if he knows I'm here?

"Leaving so soon? Not without this, you won't." The Son says.

I don't have enough time to react or move before the hatch opens and the floor beneath me disappears. I scream as I'm now falling through the air. Somehow I end up being close enough to grip Ahsoka's foot. I hear her grunt in pain as now an extra weight is dangling from her. The Son, who is now transformed into the beast, is flying in between high rocks at a high speed. Almost making me swing into them as I desperately cling on to Ahsoka's leg. I look back and see our ship following close by, but as the Son flies directly at a mountain covered in fog, I lose sight of them afterwards. Until this point, I've been quiet, but my fingers almost slip and I accidently let out a desperate noise. The Son's head dips and I make eye contact with one of the eyes. He starts to fly wilder, doing what he can to shake me off. But I hold on. I can faintly see a big green ball on top of a big tower, in the direction we're going. As we reach an opening in the tower, I finally lose my grip and land on the ground hard, rolling several meters. I push myself up on my arms as I see the Son chain Ahsoka to a wall. I try to stand, but something is keeping me down.

"Now what to do with you?" The Son asks as he walks in front of me. "You weren't exactly in my plan."

I grit my teeth as I push myself off the ground with all my strength. "How about just letting me and Ahsoka go!"

He throws his head back and puts his hand over his heart as he laughs. "No." Then turns around and leaves. I look to my left where the entrance door still stands wide open. Rushing to stand, I attempt to run out of it, but instead of running to my freedom. I'm met with an invisible wall.

"No, no, no," I ramble as I hit the wall desperately.

Then. Everything goes black.


"Lora, wake up!" I open my eyes to see Ahsoka stand over me.

"What?" I ask in confusion as I look around with sleepy eyes.

She takes my hands and pulls me to my feet. "Come on! We need to hurry!"

I stumble as she starts to pull me with her. "Ahsoka, I don't understand."

"It's our masters. They've betrayed us!" Her sentence makes my heart stop. I pull my hands from hers and back away.

"No, no, they wouldn't." I shake my head.

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