Chapter 16

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We are standing in the cargo room on the ship, currently escorting Satine to Coruscant, so she can plead her case to the Senate. My master explains the situation to a mix of clones from the 501st and 212th.

"You know your marching orders. The safety of The Duchess Satine is of the utmost importance. The Death Watch will stop at nothing to assassinate her before she pleads her case to the Senate."

"The Death Watch may or may not be backed by the Separatist, so stay sharp and alert," I add.

Obi-Wan's comlink beeps. "The Duchess and her retinue request your presence."

"Very well." He answers, and we follow him into the lift that will take us to the main floor where the senators are.

"I sense some anxiety from you about the duchess. She couldn't be in safer hands," Anakin tells Obi-Wan who is stroking his bread in thought.

"Yes, I know."

"Then why..." Anakin tries to push a bit but gets cut off.

"Never mind. It's all in the past," trying to make everything seem okay, our master has just made everything way worse for himself.

"Oh, so you're close to her?" Anakin already knows that, I told him earlier. He's just trying to get more information.

"I knew her. A long time ago." Obi-Wan defends himself. The doors open as Anakin and I send each other a knowing smirk. I swear I even heard Cody and Rex snicker. As we walk towards the dining room, we can hear Satine explain her thoughts on the war she wants no part in.

My master, as always, needs to make a great entrance, and decides to start this one with opposing Satine. "And yet some might argue that the strongest defense is a swift and decisive offense."

He is only met with a look from Satine and his expression quickly turns into an apologetic smile.

"You are quite the general now aren't you, Master Kenobi?"

"Forgive me for interrupting, Your Highness. I meant no disrespect."

"Even when they are mad at eachother they can't seem to stop having chemistry or flirting," I whisper to Anakin who almost bursts out in laughter and has to turn around for a second.

"Really? Senators, I presume you are acquainted with the collection of half-truths and hyperbole known as Obi-Wan Kenobi?" Satine asks her senators, I can't help but smile and feel bad for him at the same time.

"Your highness is too kind."

"You're right. I am." Satine sighs.

"This is what I've had to endure," I tell Anakin.

"It doesn't seem that bad, it's just amusing," he tries to say.

"Try to spend an entire day or two just with them, and then we will see," I threaten him.

"Allow me to introduce my fellow Jedi Anakin Skywalker, and my padawan Lora Caran," Obi-Wan introduces us as we step forward.

"I remember a time when Jedi were not generals but peacekeepers," Satine reminds everyone of the Jedi past.

"We are protectors, yours at the moment. We fight for peace," Anakin tries to reason with her.

"What an amusing contradiction." It's clear the duchess does not share the same view.

"What Master Skywalker means is that we are acting at the behest of Your Highness to protect you from the Death Watch and the Separatist, who don't share your neutral point of view," As always the one and only Master Kenobi has to explain Anakin's words.

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