Chapter 24

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"No, I know," I laugh as I reply to Korkies question. He called me earlier over a hologram, just to talk.

"You never know, perhaps you hadn't heard," he laughs back. We giggle for a while before a silence passes between us. "I know how it sounds, but I missed talking with you."

"I missed talking to you too," I admit. "Maybe I can convince my master to let me come to Mandalore some day."

"I hope so." He gives me a smile. A knock on my door sends panic through my body and I quickly end the call, only giving Korkie a rushed goodbye. I hide the holodisk under my pillow and pick up the book I was reading before our call. A second later, the door opens and Obi-Wan sticks his head in.

"I thought I heard you talking with someone?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No, as you can see, I'm alone."

"Okay... we have a mission," he says, making me jump up, ready to go. One thing that always makes me ready to go is hearing that sentence.

"Where too?"

"We received a distress code, but that exact code has not been used in over 2.000 years. We are being sent to investigate what it is," my master explains as we walk through the temple. "Oh, and Ahsoka and Anakin are joining us."

We meet with them in the temple hangar, Ahsoka and I squealing as we haven't seen eachother in a while, let alone been on a mission together. We both give our masters dirty looks as they huff at our reunion, and link our arms together as we walk into the ship. The flight goes by in no time as Ahsoka and I use the time to catch up and talk.

"Rex. Rex, do you read me? We're at the rendezvous point awaiting your arrival," I hear Anakin tell Rex over the coms, but I don't think much of it, just continuing my conversation.

But as I hear Rex's answer, I quickly tune in. "Sir, we are at the rendezvous point, and there's no sign of you on our scanners."

I send Ahsoka a weird look as Anakin replies. "Oh, come on. That's impossible. Something's wrong. We're at the exact coordinates where the distress signal originated, but there's nothing here. Rex is at the exact same coordinates and he's not here."

"This is getting interesting," my master says as he strokes his beard.

Rex tries to say something, but the image and sound gets distorted. "Unable to find you. Where are you, sir?"

"Something's blocking the signal," Ahsoka says. And as she does, the entire ship's power shuts down and it gets as dark as it possibly can in the shuttle.

"Not good," Obi-Wan exclaims as he presses some buttons trying to get the power on again.

"You don't say," I remark.

"Everything's dead, even the life support." Ahsoka informs us.

"Hmm, this is really strange," Anakin agrees. Then the power turns back on, making all of us look at each other in confusion.

"There. See? Nothing to be concerned about after all," Obi-Wan tries to comfort us. But as I begin to sit down again, I notice a big thing appearing out of nowhere.

"Yeah? Then what's that?" I point out. The ship shakes and starts to be pulled towards the thing, like we're in a tractor beam. As we get closer, a big crack appears and blinding white light emerges.

"Everyone, strap yourself in. Looks as though we're going for a ride," Obi-Wan tells us. I do as he says. As we get further, the light gets stronger and stronger, and then... nothing.

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