Chapter 13

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"We are ready to make the jump, Master Fisto," Master Unduli's padawan, who Ahsoka introduced to me as, Barriss Offee, says.

"Good. I look forward to your arrival." Master Fisto replies, and we bow as the transmission ends.

"Lora, your master is Master Kenobi, correct?" Barriss asks me as we walk towards the dining hall.

"Yes, that is correct," I answer, I'm a bit confused though, it's common knowledge.

"That must be a lot of pressure, isn't it?"

"I guess, he's a famous Jedi, a very respected one. There are things to live up to," I answer again. I can't really find any sense to her questions.

"Not to mention he's on the council. Do you ever feel like your master chooses his duties as a council member and Jedi Master over you?" She asks, this time a little causesly. I think about what she just asked.

"I don't. My master is a great master, he respects me and understands me. I've never really felt like he chooses those things over me," I get a little defensive. Did she think that about him?, "Why do you ask?"

"No reason, I'm just curious. You know, there aren't a lot of padawans training under council members," she kinda just brushes it off. I don't push it and just let it go.

After we have dinner, where we just talk normally and get to know each other a bit, we decide to go get some rest. But the sleep don't find me. I know Ahsoka is awake as well, she moves around, trying to find rest. Barriss on the other hand lies still and calm.

"What? What is it?" she suddenly asks Ahsoka. I'm guessing she had been staring at her, I can't tell as I lay in the bunk above hers.

"It's too quiet. It's a big change from all the fighting the last few days," Ahsoka replies. I understand exactly what she is talking about. I've talked to Obi-wan about it a few times, as he always sleeps like a rock, even on missions, but he just says that I'll get used to it.

"You should enjoy this peace while it lasts," Barriss tell her. Easier said than done.

"I can't, let's go eat," Ahsoka just says, "Lora, you wanna join us? I know you're awake."

"No thank you, maybe I can get some rest now, when you aren't here to move around," I tell her.

"Now you know what it's like to sleep next to you," she insults my sleeping. I throw my pillow in her face as they begin to walk out. When the door closes, I just pull my pillow up again with the force. But even without Ahsoka, I can't sleep. I still have the nagging feeling I had back on Geonosis, the planet just can't leave me alone. I decide to call my master.

"Lora, is everything okay?" He picks up immediately.

"Yeah, I just can't sleep," I admit, as I tell him I get embarrassed.

"Where is Ahsoka?" He asks me.

"Her and Barriss went to get some food, couldn't sleep either."

"At least you're not alone, so that's-" he gets cut off by someone grabbing the holodisk from him.

"Is that Lora? Hi Lora," It's Anakin.

"Hey, how's the return to Coruscant going?" I ask him.

"Boring," He says before giving it back to Obi-wan.

Some sound comes from outside. Sounding like shots.

"Master, I have to go," I quickly inform him.

"What hap-" he doesn't get to talk anymore as I cut the connection. I grab my lightsaber from under my pillow and keep it in my hand. I open the door with the force and not button, to keep it from making noise. Something I learned when I was sneaking around during a diplomatic mission with my master. My first thought is to find Ahsoka and Barriss. They have to still be eating.

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