Chapter 15

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"You know, I really don't know why you asked if you could take flying lessons from Anakin, you are flying perfectly fine without him," Obi-wan tells me as we exit our ship, landing on Mandalore.

"Yeah... Definitely, remind me why we are here again?" I try to divert the subject so he doesn't find out that I indeed am getting flying lessons from Anakin.

"Again? We need to check your memory. We are here to find out if the Duchess of Mandalore is building an army to fight for the Separatist, as she has been accused of," he sounds almost defensive as he mentions the allegation towards the Duchess. I let it slide.

"The Duchess awaits you, General Kenobi." Says a guard, who I assume belongs to the Duchess.

"Far be it from me to keep the Duchess waiting," my master says as we hop onboard a transportation device.

We fly through the city of Mandalore. There is building everywhere, you can't see a single spot that isn't building. Its impressive. We get dropped off in front of a grand palace of sorts. Entering the building, I immediately notice the windows that work as walls and roof, which makes light shine in from everywhere. I look to my master to see him staring at something, I follow his gaze to the wall where a giant painting of a woman is hanging. She is beautiful.

"General Kenobi," a voice breaks both of us from our staring.

"Thank you for meeting with me, Prime Minister Almec." My master greets the man, shaking his hand.

"I don't believe we've met," the man turns to me.

"I'm Lora Caran, padawan of Master Kenobi," I introduce myself, shaking his hand as well.

"I welcome you both as a servant of the people, but I am troubled by the false rumors that brought you here. Mandalore would never turn against the Republic. The Duchess Satine values peace more than her own life." The prime minister explains.

"Oh, I'm aware of the Duchess' views." My master says. He is? He hasn't mentioned meeting her before.

"Master Kenobi, Mandalore's violent past is behind us. All of our warriors were exiled to our moon, Concordia. They died out years ago."

"Hmm. Are you certain? I recently encountered a man who wore Mandalorian armor, Jango Fett," my master explains his doubt. I remember him telling me about Jango Fett. The man who is the blueprint of all clones.

"Jango Fett was a common bounty hunter. How he acquired that armor is beyond me." The prime minister is awfully defensive.

"Well, Master Kenobi, my shining Jedi Knight to the rescue once again," The Duchess enters the room, shocking me with her words. Again? They know each other?

"After all these years, you're even more beautiful than ever," Obi-wan says. I still in my movements. What is happening here?

"Kind words from a man who accuses me of treachery," The Duchess tells my master.

"I would never accuse you of personal wrongdoing, Duchess. However, a separatist saboteur attacked one of our Republic cruisers, a Mandalorian saboteur," my master explains, he then gives me a sign and I pull out a holodisk that shows that same Mandalorian saboteur.

"I don't believe we've met before, dear," The Duchess seems to notice me.

"I'm Lora, Lora Caran. I'm Master Kenobi's padawan," I tell her.

"Good luck with that," she jokingly tells me, at least I think it was a joke.

"You must be mistaken. No Mandalorian would engage in such violence. Not anymore," the prime minister argues, completely blinded by what he wants Mandalore to be, instead of what it is.

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