Chapter 60

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As we walk through the Temple, a few people raise their eyebrows as they see our clothes. I forgot my cloak back at Padme's, so I had no choice. Luckily we are two. As we walk into the strategy room, all the masters turn to look at us, but both of us just take a stand beside our Master.

Master Yoda looks amused at our clothes. "From a party you came?"

"Close, dinner with a senator," I tell him with a smile. Then the meeting begins.

"Our records definitively state that Master Sifo-Dyas died on Felucia," Madame Jocasta says as she changes the holomap. "In the fifth quarter, a small skirmish broke out between the native Felucians. Master Sifo-Dyas was assigned to negotiate peace talks between the tribes. The negotiations failed, and Sifo-Dyas was killed."

"What became of his body?" Master Plo asks.

"I'm afraid I cannot answer that," Madame Jocasta says. She turns to the controls and presses on his files that turn red. "Any further information on this incident has been sealed."

"On whose authority?" Master Windu asks her.

"By the office of the Supreme Chancellor," she answers. Why does he have access to Jedi documents?

But Master Windu seems fulfilled with answers. "Thank you, Madame Jocasta."

"To Felucia, Skywalker and Kenobi will go," Master Yoda says. "A trail long cold it is, yet still lay hidden there a clue might be." He turns to us. "Question all who were present the day of Sifo-Dyas' death, you must."

"And what of the sealed file?" Master Windu asks.

"Speak with the Chancellor personally I will, to see what part in this the politics of the Senate have played," Master Yoda says and therefore ends the meeting.

Obi-Wan turns to Anakin and I. "You should both go and change."

"Yeah, we just didn't have time before," Anakin explains.

"We'll leave in an hour, be ready then," my Master tells us before leaving us. We quickly leave as well, going to each of our quarters to change into more appropriate clothes.


"Should we just stay here while you go and talk to them?" I ask my master as we're standing in the outskirts of one of the Felucian tribes.

"Yes, I will be back soon," he replies and leaves Anakin and I alone. The village isn't that big, but it's definitely populated. Most of the people are gathered around a bonfire in the middle of the village. My Master disappears into one of the tents, the biggest one that I'm assuming is the leaders. It doesn't take long before he comes walking out of the tent again.

"Did you speak with them?" I ask.

He nods. "Yes, but I'm not sure how much I understood. Their dialect was a little challenging."

"Really? Something Master Obi-Wan Kenobi can't understand," I put in a shock voice and place my hand ironically on my chest. He just sends me a look before pulling out his comlink and contacting Master Yoda.

"I have spoken with the tribal leaders on Felucia. They use a very ancient dialect which is hard to understand, but from what I can make out, when Master Sifo-Dyas died, he was not alone," my Master breaks the news. "There was a second Jedi here with him."

"And the name of this second Jedi?" Master Yoda asks.

"Either I don't understand them or they won't say. It's hard to tell. This is a primitive people we are dealing with. After his death, they cremated Sifo-Dyas' body, and I'm afraid the trail goes cold there. Did you have any success with the Chancellor?"

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