The Happily Ever After

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Here it goes.  The final upload.  I already feel the withdrawl coming.  It has been an amazing journey-my first completed book ever!  If you are reading this then thank you for even bothering in the first place.  It means so much to me that you took the time to read this impulsive stuff...-_-

Anywhoo, bout the epilogue, pleassseee comment-even if you hadn't for the rest of the book-I want to know how you feel at the end.  The end, hmmmm, I like it.  If you don't then sucks for you! :P  This is how its going to be.  

Thank you soo much for reading.  Comment, vote and enjoy!

“If happily ever after did exist, I would still be holding you like this.”

The Spanish sun was shining its yellow light on everything.  The dark orange trees laden with the bright fruit rustled in the cool wind blowing from the nearby blue sea creating a pleasant sound.  

Miniature balconies with flowerpots dotted the three story terracotta buildings that lined the cobblestone pathway.  The view was so serene and peaceful occasionally interrupted by motorists zipping by on bikes and scooters.  

The orange trees and the bikes kept on reminding me of Alex.  The time where he was chasing me in Singapore.  The time on the island under the orange tree where we almost shared a kiss.

It was a month now after Alex had died in the explosion.  And it was every second of that long month that I missed him.  

The memories of the island still haunted me in my sleep.  After I had escaped I had waited for him by the waterfall.  I had waited for two weeks before I knew he wasn't coming back.

I had cried for days after that.  To love and have lost a loved one are the greatest and worst feelings in the world.  You live your best moments in life sharing it with that one person you truly cared about; that one person you let into your messed up life.  

And just like the ending of a great movie they are out of your life as quickly and unexpectedly as they had entered leaving you hollow and wanting more.  

Then you don't know what to do without them; the world transforms into a darker, scarier place.  Those days were the darkest days of my life, even more horrible than the hatch.  More horrible than finding all the other truths and lies.  

So I left the jungle and the island altogether; it was filled with too many bad memories. 

Gabbie was no where to be seen.  The company thought I was dead and they didn't bother to come and investigate.  Franco was also dead, or he would have found me by now.  All for the better I suppose; now I'm free.  

But where to go from here.  I was a teenage orphan without any formal education all alone in this world.  What should I do now?

Remembering back to the conversation I had with Alex I thought about how I could be in charge of myself, who's to say I can't stop what I'm doing right now?  Its what I do best and I can always kill with reason.  

And so here I was, killing people who I thought should be dead.  It wasn't the ideal solution but the best I could think of.  

The late summer sun beat down on the macchiato sitting on the small wrought iron table in front of me as I looked around at the scene from my vantage point.  

There was an identical cafe opposite the one I was sitting on and I watched people on their honeymoon, teenagers shooting the breeze, a family with their little kids.  A few lone strangers like me.  

One of them was dressed up in all black and drinking his strong americano coffee while looking towards the ocean.  All black, thats strange.

Another was wearing all blue with a straw hat on, checking out all the ladies wearing floaty summer dresses.  Tourist.  But then again, also a great disguise.

The third one was also wearing a straw hat, disguising his hair, his face buried in a Turkish fashion magazine.  I continued to stare at him because he was the closest to my age.  He was wearing a white button down shirt with flannel shorts and simple sandals.  Another tourist.  What really caught my eye was the magazine.  He was not Turkish.  

But my attention was seized by a child crossing the road, unaware of the zipping motorists.  Where are his parents?  I was worried for the child but then he made it safely back to the other side.  

I took another sip of the coffee and almost gagged having never been a huge fan of the nasty stuff.

I looked back up to the last stranger and found him missing.  My senses spiked and went into overdrive.  Where is he?  I hastily threw down a few Euros and got up running towards the ocean.  I just had this feeling.  

Running down the cobblestone road I looked around.  Where is he?  How did he disappear like that? A few people glanced my way, I couldn't care less about what they thought.

I got to a large stone border that held the Mediterranean sea and found the straw hat lying on the wall.  As I watched the wind picked it up and blew it inland.  

Wide-eyed I looked up searching the place for the owner of the hat my long hair flying in the ocean breeze.  

And then a familiar lock of blond hair caught my eye.  A boy stood a ways from me looking right at me.  He was wearing a white button down shirt with flannel shorts. The emerald color of his eyes was unmistakable from here.  I stood there frozen on the spot.

And then he smiled at me.

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