Chapter 12 Confusing Compliments

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Heyy so I'm terribly sorry for now uploading sooner, I was on a week long trip where there was no internet access and then the next week was soo busy with International day. 

I also had rehersals for my polynesian dance classes and we performed on international day which was really cool!  Everyone cheered when we turned around and shook our butts.  As for me, I got really embaressed.

Anyways, enough of me, go on and read the chapter!

Chapter 12

Sadly, by the time I got out of the storage place, it was around 3pm.  Darn it! Not only did this mean that I had skipped lunch but the sun was still up and it “wouldn't be a good use of my time and energy” to go to sleep now (quote my etiquette teacher).  So being the good girl I was, I hauled me and my empty stomach to the practice area set up outside in the snow.

Remembering the cut on my hand, I decided to practice some archery and get my aim back.  So I had to make a u-turn and go back to the shed to get all the supplies I needed. 

This included a set of 10 arrows, all the tips were blunt and the usual bow.  I also got an arm guard which I fastened around my left arm.  The target would have been already setup. 

Walking back to the practice area, I looked around.  It was located behind the gym I was practicing on earlier today and the snow surrounding it was a brilliant white, thanks to the sun that was shining on it.  I quickly shielded my eyes from the harsh glare.  Near to my right, there was an open combat place where currently two men were wrestling.  I recognized one of them as my weapons training instructor. 

Moving on, there were multiple places to train various crafts and located on the far left were three archery training targets.  I moved up to the middle one and set my stuff on the floor.  I was about 20 meters away from the target as I strung my bow easily and knocked one arrow in. 

Then I stood motionless as I concentrated on the target, the bow drawn, ready to fire.  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Alex look up from practicing with a Kukri, obviously curious about my shooting. 

I smiled to myself as I fired the arrow into the target.  It went straight for what I was aiming for, the top of the target, that's the white part for those of you that are wondering.  Now I wasn't such a bad aimer, I was just showing off a little having gained a little audience but the bulls eye is a little overrated so I aimed somewhere else instead. 

Now that I had launched my first arrow into the target, I turned around and looked at Alex.  Wrong move.  Lets just say that he was way hotter with a shiny knife in his hand looking all professional then he was all the other times I had seen him-COMBINED! So naturally I swooned a little bit.  Whoa there Bessie, control yourself.  You can just swoon at random hot teenage assassins that happen to be the same age as you. 

I looked back at him to see if he had noticed my little swoon, apparently he hadn't, whew!  He was just staring at me like a totally weird stalker.  Ok he's hot but totally creeping me out now.

I turned back and fired another arrow, this time it hit the target a little lower than the first on but still perfectly in line.  After this my speed increased and I forgot all about Alex as I concentrated on getting this right.  Each time I fired, I kept aiming a little lower than the previous arrow until I had 6 arrows making a sort of vertical line on the target. 

Then I started making a horizontal line so when I had finished with all but one of my arrows, the arrows on the target formed a cross.  Pleased with my handiwork, I dropped the bow and quiver and admired my work. 

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