Chapter 3 Know Thy Enemy

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Third Chapter is dooonee!!!   Don't forget to vote, comment, fan! Anyways, enjoy! :)

Know Thy Enemy

My training had prepared me for a lot of things, but none of them being in the form and shape of the boy lying underneath me. 

The morning sun shone into his emerald eyes as he squinted up at me confused.  He must be wondering why the hitman had stopped attacking him. 

The hot, humid air suddenly whipped up his blond hair, tossing it in the wind.  Blond hair?  I looked down at him again, he had cropped blond hair and green eyes. Since when was he blond? And why was he chasing me?

I slackened my thighs around him, and him, seeing his opening, did a low punch to my stomach, causing me to let go of him.  He then shoved me off of him and to the ground.  I got to give it to him, he was good.

He quickly grabbed a black swiss army knife from his pocket, holding a large knife to my throat, all the while straddling me.  “Take the helmet off” he commanded.

I lay there cautiously and raised both my hands in the air, telling him I surrendered.  But there was no way in hell I was going to tell him who I was.  No, I'd rather take a bullet to the head.  But then that would defeat the purpose cause then he could just take the helmet off himself right?  Oh this is so confusing.

"I said, take the helmet off." He spoke in a whisper but his voice was as thin as ice and sounded like a death threat. Nevertheless, I resisted. Showing faces was a no-go for people like me. Josh had other ideas however, and with his free hand he tore my helmet off.


Its a very small world after all.

We lay there, staring at each other, me lying as still as a statue with wide eyes, wind blowing my hair all over my face while he clenched his jaw and narrowed his eyes at me.  The silence was so tangible. So I decided to break it.

“Since when are you blond?”

And thats when I remembered that I only knew hindi.  He narrowed his eyes.

“Since when do you speak English?”

Fuck. I should have seen that one coming.  Well isn't this awkward.

I said nothing. Instead I stared at him wide-eyed.

"Isn't this interesting," he muttered to himself.

I continued to stare at him, we weren't getting anywhere and this conversation was just getting more and more weird.  I needed answers.  “Your hair?” I say uncertainly.

To my complete surprise, he chuckles at my comment. I just lie there looking really confused.

“My hair is naturally blond, I was wearing a wig in the airplane.” he finally manages to say.

Suddenly I get mad, why did he do that?  And wear a wig, who in their right minds wears a wig?

“Why were you wearing a wig?” I ask confused.

“Why were you pretending to be Indian?” He counters back.  Good Point. We just stare at each other, not wanting to give out more information about each other, yet insanly curious to find out more about the other.

“Who are you?” he finally whispers.

In my short life as a spy I have been lots of different people, from an outspoken girl in Montenegro, to a sheepherders daughter in Spain, never had I told a random stranger who I really was. Yes it sounds lame but its the truth, all my disguises, my covers, they took control of me, and I never let people find out who I was.  But no way was I saying that to him.

“My name is Alice.” I said after a long pause.

He nodded deep in thought and said “Yeah, about that, my real name is not Josh, its Alex.”

I nodded, this was getting weird.

We didn't say anything for awhile, he got off me and we stood up, me looking at him while he stood there looking back at me leaning against the wall.

In the short amount of time that we have known each other, we had trusted one another to give our real names, and in this profession, thats a vulnerability.  For all I know, he is probably out to get me and now that he has my name, I'm dead meat.  But standing there, I felt oddly relieved, its been awhile since I had let someone in this part of my life, and it felt good.

Finally he broke the silence, “Why is it that you lied to me, yet I still trust you with my real name, and I have no guarantee that you will not run away to some company with my name of the top of your wanted list?” he said looking at me.

“Honestly, I don't know...”I replied.  He smiled. 

"You know, I'm supposed to be taking you back now.  You did kill the person I was protecting." He said.  

"Right, but whose to say that you caught me?" I replied smirking.

I know this is really shallow of me, what with all this deep crap and stuff but he looked really good in his uniform.  I couldn't help but notice all the stuff I had missed out on the plane.  The high cheekbones, the defined jawline, the muscular outline of his body and at the base of his neck I can make out a small scar.  Wow I needed to get out of here before I started fantasizing how he smelled like.

I started to move around, which earned a curious glance from him.  “I should go. We weren't supposed to meet. And I'm late for something.” I said.

"Wait..." he started moving towards me, "one way or another Alice, I will find you."

“Right,” I said smirking, “and what would be the chances of that happening?”  And with that, I turned around, ran and jumped into the humid Singaporean air.

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